Chapter 1 : Her

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"Celeste, come down and have your breakfast hun" her mom sweetly called her daughter for breakfast. What a life to be under this roof Celeste thought. She , being grateful everyday , for the food warmly served on the table, living with her beloved family. She never wanted this happiness to come to an end. "Alright mama, I'm coming" said Celeste with the most precious smile paint on her face. At the table , Celeste wondered where did her dad went. "Mama where is Papa, he's not home yet?", asked Celeste. "Our, he went out to feed the chickens outside. Its been a while though why don't you go check for your papa"
"Of course, Mama," Celeste replied, her eyes reflecting the concern she felt for her father's prolonged absence. With grace and gentleness, she rose from the cozy breakfast table and made her way to the rustic wooden door that led to the backyard.

As Celeste stepped outside, the world transformed around her. The bright morning sun cast long, eerie shadows across the garden, creating an almost magical atmosphere. She strolled through the flower-lined path, her footsteps whispering on the dew-kissed grass. The gloominess that had hung in the air seemed to be at odds with the aesthetic beauty that surrounded her.

She reached the chicken coop, a quaint structure her father had built with his own hands. There, she found her father, a rugged man with calloused hands, tending to the clucking hens and roosters. He turned to her, his face breaking into a warm smile as he wiped his hands on his well-worn apron.

"Morning, Celeste," he greeted, his voice carrying the serenity of the countryside. "I lost track of time with these feathery friends of mine. They needed a bit of extra care today."

Celeste couldn't help but smile at her father's dedication to the chickens. "Papa, Mama was getting worried. She sent me to check on you."

Chuckling, her father set down the chicken feed and ruffled Celeste's hair affectionately. "Tell your Mama I'm just fine, my dear. You know how I can lose myself in these chores."

Celeste nodded, her heart lighter knowing her father was safe. She watched him continue his work for a moment before turning back toward the house, the gloomy atmosphere of the morning beginning to recede as the bright aesthetic of her home returned.
Back inside the house, Celeste reassured her mother about her father's well-being. Her mother, relieved to hear the news, smiled and patted Celeste's cheek with affection. The family sat down to finish their breakfast together, the warm, hearty meal fostering a sense of togetherness and contentment.

As the day unfolded, Celeste found herself drawn to the beauty of her home and its surroundings. She wandered through the sun-dappled garden, where colorful flowers swayed in the gentle breeze. There was a sense of serenity that enveloped the place, a stark contrast to the gloominess that had momentarily lingered.

Celeste often spent her free time reading beneath the sprawling shade of an old oak tree or helping her father tend to the chickens. It was a simple life, but one filled with love and connection.

In the evenings, the family would gather on the porch, watching the sun dip below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of pink and gold. Celeste would sit with her parents, listening to their stories of the past and their dreams for the future. Those moments were like pieces of heaven for her.

But little did she know that beneath the idyllic surface of their life lay secrets and mysteries that were yet to be revealed. Celeste's world, although bright and aesthetically pleasing, was on the cusp of transformation, as hidden truths and unforeseen challenges awaited on the horizon.

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