Switch (2)

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"So how are people going to react to seeing you with someone?" he asked, watching me as I walked over to the door.

"I randomly take on clients when I feel the need. Barely ever as a sub ... some will be surprised, others will be upset." I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"Jealous?" he smirked, grabbing my hand and tugging me closer, wrapping his other arm around me.

"As I said ... I don't really take on clients anymore, despite the many offers. Let's go, Agent Morgan ... before I attempt something very unprofessional." I whispered, looking up at him.

"Yeah, we should go." he said, leaning in to run his nose over my neck.

We walked out and found chairs, however, when Derek sat down, he pulled me onto his lap. I fell with a small squeak, it's not often that I'm caught off guard.

"See the girl getting on stage now?" I whispered in his ear, enjoying the slight shiver it caused in him.

"Yes, what about her?"

"That is David's Carly. Watch her, it'll take her about 8 seconds. She gets on stage, checks out the crowd, and 3, 2, 1."

Both of us saw the sly smile on her face, and Derek looked at David to see a similar shine on his face.

"This isn't his normal night, but they'll enjoy it."

"He come here a lot?"

"At least once a week when he's home. At first, it was just his way of supporting me, then I hired Carly, and he comes around a lot more." I smiled.

"You put on any of these shows?" he asked.

"Not anymore ... or not a lot. Occasionally, every couple of months, I get on stage." I said, turning to look at him.

His eyes were on my lips as I spoke, and I felt the lust in his eyes.

"You want a show?" I whispered in his ear.

"Maybe ... you gonna be the one putting on the show?"


Derek and David spent about two hours in the club, and the next three days, they came in together. Derek always remained behind David until he went to get entertained by Carly. Then he came over to me. The man is enjoying all of the glares he's getting by having me on his lap all the time he's here. On the third night, David sat with Carly on his lap a few seats in front of us as we watched one of the girls, and I sat on Derek's lap.

"Do you watch the girls a lot?" he asked me.

"I'm normally in the back, but I'll catch bits of the performances."

"I guess us being here is a good thing then." he said, placing his hand on my thigh.

"What are you doing?" I asked as his hand moved higher.

"Distracting you." he said, nuzzling my neck. "I was saying, it's good that the girls see you. I've noticed them smiling at you, and it boosts their morale when they see you."

"I guess ... Derek ..."

"How many people do you think are watching us?" he asked, squeezing my thigh.

"Derek ..." I sighed.

"The slit in your skirt lends itself to very bad things. Do you want me to stop?" he asked.

"No ..." I muttered.

I don't know what it is about Supervisory Special Agent Derek Morgan that has me so on edge. The man just gets me all in my feels, and I haven't had a reaction this strong and visceral to a man in a really long time. I want to see him and feel his hands on me.

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