★ #29 | confession

Start from the beginning

"Do you want my honest answer?" Jay questioned, sitting up as he hugged a throw pillow tightly to his chest, resting his chin on top of it.

Heeseung nodded in response, a gentle hum leaving his lips as he waited for his explanation. "Yeah." He added, blinking slowly.

"I believe she likes me. I've thought that way for a little bit now. But, that didn't necessarily make me like her. I just carried on and let my feelings take place naturally instead of feeling peer pressured into returning said feelings." Jay began, fingers messed around with the loose thread of the pillow he held.

"Anyway, as of recently, I feel like I do like her. Genuinely, I mean. Not out of me forcing myself to, it's natural. But I'm going to take things slow and just let things play out by themselves." He confessed truthfully, remaining calm as a vague smile settled onto his lips.

Heeseung raised his brows in surprise, tilting his head as he hummed quietly. The doe eyes boy nodded, running his fingers through his dark hair.

"Oh? Well, I'm glad that you've figured things out. In all honesty, I forgot how.. mature you were about these things. We fool around too much, so just the mere thought of you actually being logical about things is funny to me." Heeseung joked, earning a playful eye roll from the younger.

"You annoy me sometimes." Jay commented, hints of sarcasm laced in his tone as the older snickered, shaking his head quietly.

"How could you say that? You do realize I could expose your little crush on Hyerin to the others, right?" Heeseung raised a brow.

"You could, but you won't. Also, you do realize you could've threatened to just.. tell Hyerin in general, right? You literally have her number and her Instagram account now." Jay pointed out, laughing.

Heeseung narrowed his eyes, lips pressed together in a thin line. "I mean.. yeah, I could've.. but, still."

"Telling the others is no use, anyway. They'll find out sooner or later regardless. I don't really care much." Jay muttered out.

"Yeah, true. But if Riki were to know right now, he'd definitely spill everything to Hyerin. I don't think it'd be on purpose, but I think he'd say something without realizing it and end up exposing you to her." Heeseung explained, to which Jay nodded in agreement.

"Hmm, yeah, true. He spoils a lot.. I swear, that boy cannot keep one thing to himself. It's a rare occasion when he can." Jay sighed out, grimacing as Heeseung chuckled.

"Remember when he spoiled the entirety of Spider-Man homecoming for us?" Heeseung smiled, tilting his head to the side as Jay huffed out a laugh.

"I do. Honestly, that was kinda funny. He didn't even realize he was spoiling anything until Jake pointed it out." Jay held back a smile at the memory.

"Yeah. But, it wasn't so funny at the moment because I wanted so badly to see the movie, but he just had to open his mouth." Heeseung sighed, shaking his head.

"I still don't understand why he couldn't just wait the extra day to go and see it for the first time with the rest of us." Jay furrowed his brows, curiosity flowing within him as Heeseung shrugged.

"Who knows." The older murmured before adding on. "Also, I still can't believe Riki met Hyerin before I did."

Jay scoffed, a laugh leaving his lips at his words. "What was I supposed to do? If I had left without him to go see Hyerin, he'd probably have burned my entire place down or made a mess with the Legos he was building."

"I don't even care about the reasoning. I'm just offended, for real." Heeseung waved it off, earning a smile from Jay as he shook his head.

"It's not like I'm holding you back from meeting her in person. It's up to her, not me. If she wants to, she wants to." Jay explained, closing his eyes.

"True." Heeseung hummed, eyes drifting down to his phone screen as he scrolled through his Twitter timeline.


★﹐authors corner .﹗﹑
boring chapter, but jay admits that he
likes her + thinks she likes him ☺️

literally the only thing holding this chapter
together fr

anyway, i'm leaving in about an hour (?) to
go up in the mountains for nationals and i
wanted to publish a chapter before i go 😞

mwah i love you all !! take care of yourselves <3
october 26th, 2023 -- 1:26pm.
not proofread.

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