ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 18

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Tweek Pov:
I was at my locker feeling really nervous and embarrassed about what happened earlier.'i can't believe I just embrassed myself in front of Kevin!'I thought, I blushed and leaned my back on my locker before checking my phone to see a text from Butters.I immediately ran to the nurse's office and saw butters,Kevin and Kenny.

Butters:Hi,tweek! Wait.. shouldn't you be in class?

I walked up to them, very worried and confused about what happened to cause them to be in the nurses office.

Tweek:What happened!?

I then saw kennys cheek and Kevin's bloody nose. I got even more worried. Kenny scoffed and rolled his eyes, and Kevin crossed his arms and glared at Kenny.

Kenny:Well, princey face over here was being a BITCH.

Kenny then pointed his tumb at kevin, as kenny had an annoyed look on his face.



Butters:Everybody calm down! And stop yelling.

Kenny:If you say so,butters.


Craig Pov:
It's now after school, and I filmed Kenny and Kevin fighting. Cause why not? I like seeing Kevin get beat up.. and getting his face fucked up by Kenny, I wonder if Kenny would be willingly to help me get rid of Kevin...

But right now, I'm hiding behind a tree watching butters and tweek talking to eachother while hanging out after school.I followed them to a 7-Eleven where they bought snacks and drinks to eat. They sat on the bench as I easedrop on their conversation.

Tweek:Aghhh!! I can't believe I embrassed myself in front of Kevin!

Butters:*chuckles*Don't worry, I think Kevin found it cute~


Butters:*laughs*What? I'm just kidding.. kinda.

Butters:I mean, just look how he looks at you! He's always smirking and staring at you!~

Tweek:Why would he like me!? I mean.. it would be delusional if I actually taught that Kevin would even consider marrying me!- I-I mean.. UGHHH!! Being my friend.

Butters:You sure? What about that charater ai app you have-

Tweek:*blushes brightly*I USE THAT FOR SCHOOL❗️💢

Butters:*laughs*Oh, c'mon, I already know.


Butters:Okay, okay, I'll stop now.

While they were talking, a fancy looking car came pulling up... I was curious.. but kept looking..
Then the window rolls down, and my jaw drops.
The one who's driving the car is kevin, I stood there pissed.

Kevin:Hey, cutie~


Kevin was looking at tweek when he said that, I felt infuriated.. not another bitch to deal with.. and he's even worse than that bitch Stella..

Craig:That fucking bitch-

Kenny:Yeah I know right?

I flinched when I saw Kenny behind me, I was embrassed.. did I just get caught? Shit I need to come up with something.

Craig:I-Its not what it looks like! I-I was just-

Kenny:Pft, I get it, man. Kevin is a bitch, just fucking look at him.. he thinks that everyone likes him.

Craig:Wait.. why are you also here..? And stalking..? Who are you spying on?

Kenny:I could say the same thing to you.

Craig:You explain, first.

Kenny:*sighs* Fine, you know that one rumour going around that me and butters are like dating? Well.. I kinda have feelings towards butters.

Craig:What- arent you like straight???

Kenny:Meh? I guess you could say I'm bisexual.

Kenny:Okay, what about you? Why are you here?

Craig:Well.. uhm.. don't tell anyone.. about this.. ESPECIALLY your friend cartman. But I like tweek..

Kenny:Your gay?



Kenng and I went back to spying on both of our crushes. Is Kenny now my friend..?

Kevin:Hey, you guys want me to bring you guys home?


Tweek:I would love to! I-I mean, sure!

Kevin:*chuckles*i like how cute you are,tweek~

I clenched my fist angrily.. I then got an idea, I smirked.

Craig:Hey Kenny..


Craig:So.. you hate Kevin, right?

Kenny:I fucking hate his guts.

Craig:Don't tell anyone,but.. do you wanna get rid of him..?

Kenny:Uh.. do you mean like killing him..? Or cancelled  his whole life..

Craig:What about both?

Kenny stood there in silence..  I gave him time to think and went back to spying on them.

Kevin:What are you guys waiting for? Hop in.

I saw as tweek and butters hopped in Kevin's car..
I turn back to Kenny, who seems very shocked..

Kenny:Craig.. How exactly are we gonna kill.. him?

Craig:Well.. I'll explain.. come visit me at the abandoned janitor's closet. Tomorrow at lunchtime.

Kenny:Uh.. weird place to meet up, but okay, I guess..?


3rd Pov:
It was night, and red and vea were getting ready to go to sleep.But then a notebook fell on red face. Hitting her in the face, she took the notebook off her face and saw it was vea's diary.
She was tempted to open it.. but.. something felt off.. she puts the notebook on the nightstand and goes to sleep

I'll be gone for a while like about 1 week.
I'm going to visit the place which traumatised me the most and the place I hate. Which is my mother's side, the countryside/ ghetto of the family.

Also, why are the mothers' side of the family feel like the ghetto.. I don't mean, uhhh, I don't know how to explain it, but it's like a village. Are those types of cousins who smoke vape and are dropouts?  Those are the types of people on my mother's side.

Meanwhile, my dads side is on the rich side, like my aunt is a millionaire having two mansions and one pent house and having 2 white dogs, and  2 cats.. and plus my grandfather on my dad's side had mansion, and my dad and his siblings were all private schools. And plus they had really expensive cars. And when the old president was replaced, my grandfather job came crashing down, which cause them to sell their cars and stuff.

Btw what have a nice day, poookie :3


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