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Craig headed downstairs and sat down with his family.

Craig's mom:How's school?

Tricia:It was fun! I got a good score on math!

Craig's mom:That's amazing,tricia!
*she smiled*

Craig's mom:How about you, Craig? How was your day.

Craig:Heh.. it was quite a day..
*Craig smirked*

Craig's mom:Oh! That's... a suprise, I guess this new school year is something new,Craig..

Tweek Pov:
I finally arrived home after working at the coffee shop,I opened the door and was greeted by my mom.

Mom:tweek, you're home! Where's your father?

Tweek:he says he'll be home a couple of minutes later and told me to go home first.

Mom:Ah.. okay, while we wait for him. Will you help me prepare dinner?

Tweek:Sure, mom.

Dad arrived home and sat down with us. My dad gave out random flirts to my mom. Making her gigle,it made me cringed, but they're my parents.

Dad:Son, how's school?
*dad asked*

Tweek:It's fine, I made a new friend

Dad:Ah! Is it a boy?-
*my dad cut me off*


I turn red in embrassment, my dad always teases me when I talk about a boy.. Oh my goodness! It was one time!

Tweek:Dad, it's a boy, but i don't have a sort of attraction to him..
*I sighed*

Mom:Our baby is probably bi-curious. Let him find it out for himself.
*she smiled*

Tweek:Thanks, mom.



After we ate, I went to my room, closed the door behind me, and collapsed onto my sheets.

I crawled onto bed and took out my phone.

After a while on my phone, I start to feel tired.
I guess it's time to change into some comfy clothes.

I stood up and went to my closet, I grabbed a pair of white T-shirts and black shorts.

Mhm.. this is okay, I changed and went to bed.
I closed the lights and hopped into bed.

I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


3rd Pov:
It was a cold, windy morning in southpark.
Tweek was talking to butters. They got along pretty well.

Butters:I haven't heard from cartman for a while..

Tweek:Why do you care..? He was such an asshole to everyone.

Butters:Yeah, I know.. but he has been quiet.. like really quiet, you really put him in his place.

Butters:You're quite strong,tweek.


Butters:Yeah! No one could beat up cartman.. expect for Kyle.. you really changed him.

Tweek:Thanks, I guess my old boxing really is helpful.

Butters:You were a boxer!?

Tweek:Y-yeah.. but I don't wanna do it anymore.. I seem to get overly stressed when it comes to that..

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