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Rashad never thought he would know what it was like to come back from the dead. The look of panic on his sister's face will forever be engrained in his mind-the new mind he was left with.

"Rashad we thought you was gone." She sniffled, rubbing her hands through his untamed hair. No matter how many times he reached up to wipe her tears they continued to fall.

He dropped his head, he hated seeing his sister cry-especially when it was his fault. Raaya had looked everywhere for him and no one knew where he was so of course she thought the worst.

"Im okay Kiamoni. Stop cryin' please i'm right here." He rasped out, which lead to a spurt of coughs. She quickly passed him his water, which he gladly drank.

She stood there in disbelief watching her twin brother, her other half. She grieved him, she was mentally tired and devastated. And there he was, laid up in the hospital bed-trying to downplay another serious situation.

The first week was slow for them, he was very confused and couldn't process what happened to him. She was trying to be patient with him but his nonchalance was irking her.

"Don't say you okay Kiamonte cause you not fuckin' okay! You fuckin' overdosed-found unresponsive on the fucking sidewalk and you okay?" She yelled.

He mugged her "Cmon man stop yellin' my fuckin head hurt." He said, avoiding what she just said.

"A coma for a MONTH! Because you kept doing the same shit that fucked daddy up, the same shit that killed Geno." She cried. He huffed loudly, too disoriented to say anything.

"Do you not wanna live that bad? What about me?" She asked. He rubbed his hand over his face, overwhelmed by her statements.

"I know youn' believe me but ian' do this shit on purpose." He mumbled. She shook her head "Are you trying to convince me or yourself Rashad."

"If I wanted to kill myself I wouldn't do no stupid shit like oding, I walk wid' a strap every day youn' think i'd use the bitch?" He asked, which only made her more upset.

"That's not the point Kiamonte!" She said, mushing the side of his head. He felt himself zone out again as she continued to yell at him.

There was nothing for him to say, the damage was done and he survived, unfortunately. Of course he cared about her but living a life he didn't want was getting old.

His trance was broken when a team of nurses walked in, one with a wheelchair in hand. Kissing his teeth, he shook his head no. "I'm not getting in no fuckin' wheelchair that's dead."

"Our goal is to get you up and walking-the wheelchair is only if you need it." The nurse reassured.

"Ion need no help i'm good. Y'all seen I can walk already." He said, slowly turning his body towards the edge of the bed. Raaya stepped back and shook her head, she knew it was nothing she could say.

"Mr. Leverette- I told y'all folks stop callin' me that shit, my name Rashad." He snapped, placing his hands on both sides of the bed to push up.

"Rashad I advise you to slow down, you haven't stood in a while and it's not as easy as you-." Before she could finish her statement he raised off the bed and stumbled, but kept his balance.

"I did it. Fuck this dumbass shit man when can I go home." He spat, the lady furrowed her eyebrows at him while Raaya stared blankly at her. It was no secret that her brother had no filter.

"Physically your body is healed but that doesn't mean you're ready to be discharged." Sighing he threw his head back.

Anterograde and Retrograde Amnesia.

No matter how many times they asked him what happened he couldn't come up with anything, and his agitation was growing by the day because he couldn't remember anything the doctors told him.

"I can get my mind back right-i'm telling y'all i'm good, y'all running all these test and shit I can remember!" He lied.

They all looked at him with a bored expression, which pissed him off even more. "I gotta right to go home, get me my fuckin' discharge papers for I spazz in dis' bitch."

"Rash-On Mozzy don't say shit else to me Kiamoni." He said, cutting her off. The doctors stood in the doorway, confused on what to say next. "GET ME MY FUCKIN PAPERS? YALL DEAF?" He snapped.

Oh Rashad....

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