3-The Wedding-2

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(Important A/N: trigger warning: Mentions of physical violence, mentions of attempted suicide)

[Hope and Pepper were sitting at the table organising something, when Hope's mind began to wander, Pepper noticed and sighed.]

Pepper Potts: Come on lets go rock climbing.

Hope Jarvis: Okay, I'll get changed.

Pepper Potts: Hope, you're fine like that.

[Hope and Pepper head to rock climbing, when people see Hope the scramble to get a closer look at the woman Tony Stark's marrying, she ignores them of course and slips on a harness, she and Pepper start rock climbing.]

Pepper Potts: When did you learn to rock climb?

"Hope and I'd climb everything" said Tony.

Hope Jarvis: Tony and I used to climb everything and anything so Howard, Maria and my parents placed in rock climbing, that's all we do growing up. Then we moved onto the actual rock climbing like in the Grand Canyon or at least where you can rock climb in the Canyon.

Pepper Potts: What aren't you telling me?

Hope Jarvis: I'm pregnant.

Tony turned to Hope with a raised eyebrow.

Hope's family and god-family screamed in delight, well the girls anyway.

[Pepper blinked in surprise.]

Pepper Potts: Uh, does Tony know?

Hope Jarvis: Nope.

Pepper Potts: You gonna tell him anytime soon cause he'll work it out.

Hope Jarvis: After the wedding.

"Well she did that" said Tony.

Pepper Potts: After? Seriously?

Hope Jarvis: Yeah.

Pepper Potts: Okay, marriage and child.

Hope Jarvis: I wanna go swimming.

Pepper Potts: Agreed.

[Hope and Pepper climb down and shove their way past the women crowding around Hope begging to give Tony up to them. Hope unlocks her door or goes to when she sees it open, she frowns and walks in, Charlotte is sitting on the bed.]

Rhodey, Hope, Pepper and Tony all glared at the blonde woman, she destroyed any chance of getting back with Hope the moment she lied to her father.

Hope Jarvis: Charlotte, what are you doing here?

Charlotte: What happened to Lottie?

"I want to kill her, she's acting so fucking innocent, when she's not" growled Tony, it was no secret he was protective of Hope.

"Tony it's fine, she got what she deserved in the end" said Hope.

Hope Jarvis: I stopped calling you that when I was sixteen, let me repeat Charlotte, what are you doing here?

Charlotte: Looking for you, if I'm honest.

Hope Jarvis: How'd you get in?

Charlotte: I stole the spare key.

"So she's a theif" said Lily.

Hope nodded, it didn't surprise her that Charlotte had become a thief, what surprised Hope was that Charlotte was getting along with her father, she didn't care why.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Apr 01 ⏰

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