Keith: It appeared once we arrived... But I guess this level of the tournament has Drones constantly at the ready.

Ashley: It seems that way...

Ashley: Anyway... There's a mall nearby, on the way to the hotel. Want to check it?

Keith: You need something?

Ashley: No. But Dad is waiting for us. And you know how much he's been looking forward to spending time with us.

Ashley: So... I was thinking we hang out at the mall. See what catches his interest. Then surprise him with a gift at the end of the trip.

Keith:(cracks knuckles) Fine. Let's go to the mall.

Ashley: After me.

The siblings head for the mall, unaware that at least three parties have their eyes on them, and follow.

Walter walked around the mall searching for his children. But tired from the flight, carrying the luggage to the hotel, and wandering the mall, he decided to get himself an ice cream.

But tragedy struck as a woman slipped and faced first into his scoop. The ice cream did not survive, but Walter did manage to catch the woman his age with his body.

Walter/Woman: Ugh!?

Ashley: Do you see him anywhere?

On the highest floor, looking down on the rest of the mall the siblings searched for their father. Unable to spot him Ashley comes up with a plan.

Ashley:(flips a coin) Heads or tails.

Keith: Tails-

Ashley: Ha! Heads.

Keith: Tch... Wait, why did we flip a coin?

Ashley: To see who goes out looking for Dad as the other relaxes in that cafe.

Keith: You're too lazy for your own good...

Ashley: Think smarter Keith. Not harder.

Not having it, Keith goes out looking for Walter, as Ashley perused the cafe's pastries.

Ashley:(mumbles) Vacation means cheating on my diet... So which one of you is going to take my S-card...?

???: Excuse me?

Ashley: Huh?

Turning around, Ashley found a handsome man, roughly in his early to mid-twenties calling out to her.

They had brown hair and tanned skin. They wore a white T-shirt under a fancy jacket with its sleeves slightly rolled up, showing that he had tattoos.

(The Ace of Triumph; Alexander "Ace" G. Santiago)


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Ace: Oh. Sorry. You kinda resembled the person I was looking for...

Ashley:(smirks) Maybe I can be the person you're looking for?

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