"Do you?"

I pulled away from his embrace still not looking at him I answered honestly,

"I don't know"

He sighed at me and spoke,

"Look at me, baby"

And I did, he smiled holding back my hand, and asked,

"Are you comfortable around him?"

I nodded because I was minus the days after having a panic attack I usually avoid everyone after. He thinks for a while and asked another question,

"Do you enjoy spending time with him?"

"Most of the time"

That was the most truthful answer, he sometimes sure gets on my nerves and irritates me to hell by sticking by my side when I clearly need some space but as much as the time we spent together most of them was enjoyable. Dad nodded and spoke in a little serious tone,

"Answer my next question thinking carefully"

I gulped but nodded eventually waiting for his next question, he smacked his lips and asked,

"What would be your reaction if he get hurt, badly?"

"Would you be like super worried or just okay?"

"I would be worried obviously, Dad"

Those words flew out of my mouth before I could even know, a smile came across Dad's face making me more confused as if I wasn't enough already. He patted my head and announced,

"You love him, baby"

I opened my mouth but closed it, questioning myself, Do I love him? Dad removed his hand from my head and spoke,

"You might be confused right now but you'll figure out everything eventually"

"What if-"

I stopped in the middle and searched for his face, afraid of saying the next words, he gave me an encouraging nod and I completed the question,

"...we end up like you and mom?"

As those words came out of my mouth I instantly regretted it as his lips dropped down, I looked down at my lap not able to maintain eye contact with him, instead, he cupped my face making me look at him, and replied with another question,

"But what if things work out?"

I frowned as it was almost impossible, he pulled me into a comforting embrace and explained,

"I never regretted loving your mother"

"Neither leaving her"

"Because I tried everything I could to save our relationship but"

"Some people aren't meant to be together"

"But you can't give up before even trying"

I sighed heavily now feeling more confused than ever and decided to drop this topic for now, I need to clear my head. I collected myself inhaled deeply and looked at Dad, while smiling at him I asked,

"What are you doing here?"

He nodded understanding why I dropped the topic and answered my question,

"Well had a meeting just now and I missed my baby"

I chuckled and cracked my neck as it was paining too badly by now, he looked over at the files and then at me and spoke,

"Do I need to give your husband a talk about taking nice care of you?"

I chuckled while shooting my head in denial, i looked at him and answered,

"No Dad, I love to work here"

"But don't you think that's too much"

"Well I took a day off so it's okay"

Dad pouted dropping off the topic, we both talked for what felt like an hour and lastly, Hobi hyung stole Dad away from me because of some 'important meeting' he called it that. I got back to my work as talking to Dad gave me peace of mind I was feeling a little less tired after that much-needed break. Finally, as the clock hit six in the evening I closed my last file and threw my head back onto my chair a tired groan escaping my mouth, a knock on the door startled me,

Please no more files.

I silently pleaded to god, putting the last file onto the pile resting beside me on the table I ordered,

"Come in"

The door clicked open and the most unexpected person entered my office,

Kim Taehyung.


another chapter!

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