Episode 7

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3rd P.O.V.

After buying new clothes for team Rwby and Jaune, they all decided to eat at the food court in the mall before going home.

After buying new clothes for team Rwby and Jaune, they all decided to eat at the food court in the mall before going home

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Y/n: Ok, we're finally at the food court.

Jaune: This place is similar to the food court back at Beacon Academy.

Ruby: Huh, similar to Beacon Academy you say...

Ruby was remembering from the past when she and her friends had that food fight.

Ruby: Hehehe...

Y/n: Ruby, no! Don't you think about it.

Ruby: What!? How did you know what I was thinking.

Y/n: Ruby, I watched every episodes of your series that include that crazy food fight all you had back at Beacon. So, don't think about making another one in here. The last thing we need is people getting seriously hurt by the chaos.

Ruby: Oh...

Summer: Ruby, please understand that this world is not like remnant. People can get seriously hurt by you kids reckless actions.

Pyrha: And they don't have aura like us to heal any injuries. So, any injuries that will sustain can be permanent. Sure, we can try to heal them but that lead to trouble.

Ruby: Ok, I understand.

Weiss: So, what are we eating? I see many different restaurants around here.

Y/n: It your choice on what you want to eat, there's sushi, burgers, salad, pizza, ice cream, subway sandwiches, etc...

Blake: That many choices, huh.

Yang: Hmm... I'm feeling hungry for some pizza. What about you, Blake?

Blake: Eh, why not? I could go for a slice of pizza. Does this world have sardines as toppings?

Y/n: Yes.

Blake: And like that, I'm starting to love this world already even more.

Summer: I'll take them to get their pizzas, Y/n.

Y/n: Thanks, Summer.

Summer, Yang, and Blake walk together in a different direction to get their pizzas.

Y/n: What about you, three?

Weiss: Is there any food here that's low on fat.

Ruby: I could go for a burger!

Jaune: Same here.

Y/n: There's a salad bar, I can take you to it. And there's a McDonald's at the corner. Phyrra, why don't you take Ruby and Jaune to get there burger while I take Weiss with me to get her salad.

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