Episode 10

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3rd P.O.V.

After Penny recovers consciousness, everyone goes upstairs in the living room as Ruby and her friends explain everything that happened while she was still out of commission.

They explain to her that they're not in Remnant anymore and they got transported to another world called Earth. Explaining how this world is very different from Remnant including telling her how they are not real but fictional characters from someone that created them.

Penny indeed was shocked and surprised to learn about this surprising news but more importantly can't believing she's a fictional character.

Penny: Let me get this straight. So, we're not in Remnant anymore but a world called earth.

Ruby: Yes.

Penny: Not only that, there's a series about our adventures from someone imagination.

Jaune: Yup.

Penny: How is that possible, I mean... I feel real.

She said, clenching her hands.

Blake: Trust us, Penny. We understand the feeling, we were shocked to find out ourselves when we woke up here.

Penny: It just doesn't make sense...

Penny wraps herself feeling confused.

Weiss: We know that's why Y/n is going to take care of us while he finds a way to get us back home.

Penny: Y/n? You mean that kid from earlier.

Yang: Yeah, that's him. He was the one who found us in the forest where we arrived after falling into the void.

Ruby: We later learned that my mom, Pyrrha, and Sienna was already here before us. It's the reason how Y/n was able to find us in the first place.

Penny: Wait... Pyrrha? I thought she died back at Beacon.

Jaune: She did but was send here after she died. Which to her...

Pyrrha then appears in front of Penny.

Pyrrha: Is still confusing but I managed to live with it.

Penny was shocked to see, Pyrrha standing in front of her.

Penny: Pyrrha!

Pyrrha: Hello!

Penny pulled Pyrrha into a hug which made everyone laugh of her silly behavior.

Pyrrha: Well this is new, you actually feel...

Pyrrha can feel Penny warmth.

Pyrrha: Warm... I still can't believe that you're human now.

Penny: I know right! It's thanks to team RWBY, I manage to become a real girl.

Pyrrha: I still can't believe you guys managed to turn Penny into a girl by using the relic of creation.

Ruby: It wasn't easy to be honest since Ambrosius needed specific instructions to create Penny a new body.

Weiss: That including the bridges to get the people of Atlast out to safety.

Blake: But we never expected that falling into void would send us here of all places. I was really scared when Yang fell into the void, I thought she disappeared forever because when Ambrosius said "Do not fall" I thought it meant instant death. I really thought...

Yang notice Blake's worry as she pulled her into a hug.

Yang: Hey, hey, everything is fine now. We're altogether again and we're ok.

Rwby comes to the real worldOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz