Possessive Payu (🙈🙈🫣at the end)

Start from the beginning

Fah : Oh phi...
I didn't see you from morning...
Come sit na...

Payu sits nexts to Fah...

They start eating food...

When a girl from freshman batch passes their table...

Fah : Rain.. Rain...
Look at her na...

She is so cute and she will be the best pair for you...

If you want I will go speak to her for you...

Payu now gets irritated and he looks at Rain...

Rain : Shut up Fah...
What are you blabbering...???

Fah : See na Phi Payu...
I always want Rain to date someone but he doesn't know how to approach anyone...

Am even ready to help him...

Payu : Fah...
Why are you so worried about his life...???

Fah : Look at my Rain...
He is so cute...

I want him to open up with someone he likes and be happy...

Payu : Oh really then continue helping...

Don't know why Payu gets so pissed at the topic and he looks at Rain and gets up from the table and leaves...

Fah : What is wrong with him now...???

Rain feels bad that Payu got irritated because of this topic...

He texts Payu...

Rain : Phi...
Why did you go like that...???

Payu : Go be with your bestie and find some cute girls for yourself 😒😒😒

After that Rain sends 2-3 texts but Payu doesn't reply any....

Later at evening Rain and Fah had assignments so Rain had come to Fah's home...

They sit and do their assignments and it was dinner time so they come out to dinner...

Rain and Fah were about to have dinner when Payu comes out of his room and comes straight to dining hall...

He sits in front of Rain and doesn't give any expressions...

Fah : Phi come let's have dinner together...

Fah as usual takes a spoon of food and feeds Rain...

Payu : Fah...
Is he kid to always feed him...????
Does not he have hands or what...???

Rain immediately takes spoon from Fah's hand and starts to eat himself...

Fah : Phi...
What is wrong in that...???
I want to adore my baby...

Payu : He is not a baby....

Fah : You don't know how close we are...

Do you know something phi...???

Payu : What...???

Fah : Me and Rain had even took bath together when we went on camping last year from Uni...

Rain chokes on his food listening to this...

Payu eyes become red and he stares at Rain...

Rain : Fah...
Tell him properly that we were wearing clothes while taking bath na...

People will misunderstand by the way you're telling...

Fah : Oh yes...
We were wearing clothes ha ha ha 😃

Payu face was still so angry...

Fah : Eat soon baby...
Let's go sleep...

Listening to this Payu turns so mad now...

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