•《ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ xv》•

Start from the beginning

"Jess doesn't need cliches. She's gonna rock that speech." Bella chimed in after a bit, Arianna quickly agreed with a hum and nod.

"Rock? It'll change lives."

Jessica then stopped talking and looked over as Alice and Jasper took a seat to Ariannas right.

"I've decided to throw a party." Alice announced with a wide grin.

"After all, how many times will we graduate high school?" Jasper said with a grin, the vampires all smiled a little at the innuendo.

"A party? At your house?" Angela asked.

"Woah. I've never seen their house." Jessica said with an excited grin.

"No one's ever seen their house." Eric mentioned, Arianna looked over at Edward who had an annoyed look.

"Another party, Alice?" Edward huffed out.

"It'll be fun." She replied hopefully.

"That's what you said last time?" It was Bella this time that spoke and Arianna could tell that what she said had hurt Alice's feelings. Arianna placed her hand on Alice's thigh from under the table in comfort. Alice then when rigid, her eyes glossed over and she had a faraway look. She was having a vision.

"Hey, do you need any help with that?" Bella asked, trying to get the attention off of the pixie-like vampire. Once Alice came out of her trance-like state the three vampires exchanged looks. Edward then gave Bella a tight smile when she gave him a questioning glance. After the whole ordeal the conversation quickly changed to what everyone was planning to do after they graduated.

Later that day after school ended Edward drove his two human mates to the meadow Bella and him frequent. Edward quickly grabbed a large blanket and a wicker basket out of his trunk and led the girls into the center of the field. The three of them sat down on the blanket and Edward began taking the various food items out of the basket.

"This is amazing, Thank you." Arianna said with a smile as Edward handed her a glass bottle of coca cola. He gave her a bright smile back.

"Of course, I'd do anything for you girls." He replied. He handed the girls each a ham and cheese sandwich. The two girls quickly dug in.

"When did you grab all of this?" Bella asked curiously.

"Remember when I ran to the 'bathroom' in our last period?" Bella nodded. "Well I actually ran home really quickly and Esme had it all packed for me so I just grabbed it and ran back."

"I was confused as to why you were going to the bathroom." Bella said and the two girls laughed.

The three of them enjoyed their time together, and talked about pretty much anything that came to their minds. Edward mostly just wanted to get to know Arianna a little bit more since he knew everything about Bella already, their time was filled with him asking her questions about her life before Forks.

The teens left before sundown and made their way to the police station. Edward was dropping the girls off to their fathers who were talking the girls out for dinner. Once Edward had parked the car he walked around and opened the doors for the girls and helped them out. Bella and Edward talked quietly about the situation with Charlie as they walked up the stairs. The three of them looked through the glass doors and saw the girls' fathers sitting with a couple talking. Charlie looked up and signaled for them to wait outside.

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