Part 17

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Everyone gathered into Ozzie's office to discuss a plan further.

"Maybe we should get the prince in on the plan too?" Millie suggested.

"N-No. . . Blitz wouldn't want that, I don't think. . ." Fizz spoke up.

Moxxie sighed with frustration, "Is he letting his feelings get in the way again?"

Something immediately then snapped in Fizzarolli, as he harshly pinned the white haired imp to the wall and got in his face, "SHUT UP!! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT! YOU DON'T KNOW A DAMN THING, YOU FUCKING PRICK!!"

Asmodeus was a bit taken aback by Fizz's rage. It wasn't too often he'd get angry like this.

Fizz then loosened his grip and walked away from the now startled imp, and sat back in his cozy chair.

Moxxie readjusted his bow tie and collected himself.

Millie didn't bother to intervene, as she agreed with Fizzarolli. They didn't know everything about Blitz. They don't know all the details of his past and why he is the way he is. So she stood by Fizz's decision.

The hellhound simply sat back with her racing thoughts as everyone spat ideas back and forth.

Is this. . .really happening? Am I actually about to lose Blitz, forever. . .?

Loona didn't want to end up breaking down in the room with everyone, so she took out her phone and texted Octavia as a distraction.

Loona: hey u up?

Octavia: Yeah, what's up?

Loona: my dad is missing and everyone is flipping the fuck out. I think that mafia boss has him.

Octavia: Oh fuck, I'm so sorry. Let me know if there's anything I can do.

Loona: thanks, V.

Right after that, Loona received a text from an unknown number. Once she opened it, there was a video. She hit play and saw it was of Blitz getting one of his legs slowly sawed into as he screamed out in pain.

Her phone volume was all the way up, so everyone in the room heard it as well. Loona gasped with shock as her heart shattered and her eyes teared up.

Crimson then sent a text saying:
Clock's a tickin'. Bring me the owl before sunrise. Or you'll never see your father again.

"Nonononononono. . . NO!" Loona cried out, "W-WE HAVE TO GO GET HIM, NOW! RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!"

Millie placed her hands on the crying hellhound in a comforting manner as she looked to the guys, "We're runnin' out of time. . ." the southern imp said.

Ozzie, Moxxie, and Fizz knew the girls were right and headed out.

Back at the Goetia palace, Octavia sat down to eat with Stolas, but she didn't have much of an appetite due to being so worried for Loona.

Octavia also soon became use to her father having one less of an eye due to his kidnapping from before. A fake eye was put in place inside the eyesocket. But the color was pitch black and dull. Very different from his other vibrant red eye.

"Starfire, what's the matter? You've barely touched your mouse-steak. It's your favorite." Stolas with concern.

The owlet let out a sigh, "I'm just thinking about Loona. . . She's a wreck right now worrying about her father being taken by that mafia boss."

Stolas's expression immediately changed as he stood up swiftly, "CRIMSON HAS TAKEN BLITZ?!?!"

"Y-Yeah. You didn't know?" Octavia questioned.

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