Part 11

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Once the former best friend pair managed to escape, they made their way to the nearest car to hot wire it and get the fuck out of there.

"I guess, royal jesters first?" Blitz joked as he held the door open for Fizz.

Before Fizzarolli could get in though, Striker lassowed the imp and dragged him into his grip.

Blitz then stood on top of the car as he whipped out his gun, aiming it at Striker, "Get your FUCKING shit-stain claws off him!!" he snapped.

Striker simply manically cackled while holding the jester imp in his grip, "You think I'm just goin' let you get away after all this? I'm through LOSIN' these fights!" as he pressed his own gun against Fizz's head, "This worthless little pet REEKS of his over-bloated master! I'll at least enjoy gettin' rid of 'im."

"Okay. . . Is it bad that I'm getting hard?" Fizz spoke sheepishly.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" Striker spat angrily, "WHY'S IT ALWAYS A SEX THING!?" as he increasingly became more and more unhinged.

Blitz then saw the perfect target right behind the former target. As he shot a gallon of gas, causing an explosion and fire to spread immediately.

Fizzarolli was blown against a billboard and fell to the ground harshly. Striker was on fire as he thrashed about and ran away like a damn rat.

The angsty imp anxiously scanned around for the jester imp, and quickly realized he was trapped.

Fizz was surrounded by fire. He tried to reach up to a ledge, but it was a bit far, as one of his mechanical limbs gave out and broke in the process.

The blazing flames only rose around him as he wrapped himself with his limbs in pure fear. Fearing that this was the end, that he'd never get back home. That he'd never see his Ozzie ever again.

"FIIIIZZZZZ!!!!!" Blitz cried out as he quickly sprung into action. Using his circus act days to his advantage to make it over the fire and help Fizz.

Blitz swiftly reached for Fizz's working limb as they swung up and landed on the high up ledge safely.

"YOU BLEW ME UP AGAIN, YOU FUCKIN' PRICK!!" Fizzarolli spat as he shook the assassin imp by the shoulder.

"I did. . ." Blitz admitted calmly, "But this time, I stuck around."

The jester then released his grip and turned away.

Blitz couldn't help but think to himself:

Dammit. . .I fucked up again, didn't I. . . All I do is ruin everything. . .

He then found himself being hugged softly by the jester imp, who wrapped his working arm around the angsty imp and embraced him snugly with a warm smile.

Blitz was stunned by Fizz's kind gesture. As his eyes welled up and he snugly embraced the imp back.

After a moment, Blitz broke the silence with, "C'mon, let's get you home."

The pair then made their way down to the car.

Once they got to Fizz and Ozzie's place and parked out front, they sat in silence for a moment.

"W-Well, you better get on in there before your kaiju blows up the damn place worrying about you, heh. " Blitz remarked as his hands never left the wheel.

"Wait. . . Before I go, could we maybe uh. . .exchange numbers? So we can hang out again sometime, but hopefully under better circumstances, hehe." Fizz asked sheepishly.

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