Part 3

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While trying to get I.M.P. going, Blitz decided to take a tour downtown to try and look for some worthy imp employees for his business.

He then came across a place called The Hellhound Adoption Foundation.

"Hellhounds, huh? I guess I could check it out. Maybe get a cute 'lil pup for some company." he said aloud.

The imp entered the orphanage and approached the front desk, "Hey there! I'd like to check out your adoptable hellhounds!" he spoke.

"Right this way, sir." the desk clerk said.

She then brought him to the back where all kinds of different hellhounds, big and small, were in cells.

"Aww!~ They're all so cute, and they're. . .sad." Blitz commented.

"Maybe you could adopt this one here." the lady pointed out a different hellhound, "Quite a strong lad. He'll be perfect for whatever work you wanna use him for."

The small imp then approached the next cell and was immediately appalled by its unsightly appearance, "O-Oh, no, heh! I'm not lookin' for no ugly wonker. . . I-I need something that's more family-friendly."

"A gift for the wife, huh? Not a problem. We have a nice selection of other hounds." the lady said as she lead the way down the other cells.

Blitz then stopped in his tracks as one hellhound caught his attention, "Who's that?" he asked the clerk.

"Oh her?" she spoke, "That's just Loona. What a nightmare. Serious attitude problem. She'll be outta our hair next month when she ages out. Good riddance if you ask me. She'll never amount to anything much."

As Blitz observed the young hellhound, he somehow felt a connection with her in that moment, "I'll take her."

"Alright, if that's your final decision. I'll go get the paperwork started." the clerk spoke as she went to do just that.

Blitz stayed put in front of the cell, "H-Hi, Loona. My name is Blitz. I'm gonna be adopting you." he spoke softly.

The hellhound girl stopped her crying for a moment long enough to snap her canine fangs at the imp and snarl at him, "GO. AWAY." she spoke harshly as she curled up back into her corner.

The clerk then returned, "Alright, I'm back with the paperwork. All you need to do is sign here, and you'll be good to go on your way with your new hellhound."

Blitz signed his name as instructed, and the clerk opened the door to release Loona.

The clerk then followed them outside and took a photo of them together in front of the business sign for more documentation.

They then got in the van together and went on home.

Blitz only had a one bedroom apartment, so he gave the bedroom to Loona while he took the couch. He didn't mind at all though.

For the rest of the day, Loona stayed locked up in her bedroom. She refused to come out for anything.

"Loona? Are you sure you don't want some dinner?" the imp asked kindly.

"GO. AWAY." the girl yelled through the bedroom door.

The imp sighed as he walked away and plopped on the couch.

I don't even know why I bother. . .
Maybe I should just take her back. . .

He then remembered something important the clerk lady had said. . .

"She'll be outta our hair next month when she ages out. Good riddance if you ask me. She'll never amount to anything much."

N-No! I can't do that to her! I have to try.

The next morning, Blitz was asleep on the couch while holding onto an old opened up photo album and drooling on it in his sleep. The album was opened up on a section full of old photos of him and Fizzarolli.

"Who's that? Your boyfriend?" the hellhound questioned, as she hovered over the imp who was now on the floor from being given a mini heart attack by the teen girl.

"ACK!! SHIT!! - Oh, mornin', Loona. How'd you sleep?" Blitz asked politely as he winced in pain a bit.

The hellhounds ears fell flat as her tail curled up around herself, "F-Fine. . . Why'd you give me the only room?"

"Because I thought you'd have more use for it than I would. Plus, you should be able to have your own space when you want." Blitz responded honestly.

Loona then sat down at the end of the couch with a huff, "What's a single, middle-aged man like you adopting a teen? What are you? Some kind of perv??"

"FUCK NO!!" the imp quickly objected, "I just. . . I don't know. I was passing by the place and somethin' told me to go inside. And then when I saw you, I just felt like I couldn't leave there without you."

". . .that's stupid." the hellhound said as she stood up, "Well, looks like you're stuck with me now, old man. So, what kind of work you got for me? I assume there's at least something you need a hellhound for."

The imp thought for a moment. He then had a brilliant idea.

"You get to be my receptionist at my brand new business, I.M.P.!" the red being boasted.

"The fuck is I.M.P.?" Loona spat while not at all impressed.

"It stands for Immediate Murder Profesionals!" Blitz explained.

It went silent between the two for a short moment.

"Okay. Now I get it. You're just a pyscho." the hellhound said nonchalantly, "I'm gonna go back to bed." as she went back to her room and shut the door.

"A pyscho, huh? - Meh. I can live with that!" the imp said aloud as he began more paperwork to get his business going.

Not too long after, Blitz managed to buy a whole building for his business. And he hired his first employee. A local farm girl who went by the name, Millie.

- End of part 3

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