Drunk (WM) ❤️

Start from the beginning

"Did you steal my hoodie? Are you a stalker? Y/N is gonna kill you" Wanda says, giving me another glare.

I sigh and walk over to Clint as he's closest to me.

"Do you know where Pietro is? I need to kill him" I tell him, anger building up inside of me. I just want to lay down to bed and sleep.

"I think he left with some girl. What did he do?" Clint asks me, clearly amused.

"I asked him to look after Wanda here and what does he do? He makes her drink that Thor's asgardian beer or whatever that is and now Wanda's drunk and thinks I'm some stalker who's hitting on her" I sigh, pressing a palm to my forehead and trying hard not to cry in front of everyone.

"Okay, come on. I'll help you get her to the car" He smiles at me.

"Thank you" I give him a smile back and walk back to my drunk girlfriend. "Wanda, sweetheart, it's time to go home" I tell her softly, kneeling in front of her again.

"Y/N/N, is that you? Thank god, there was some really annoying stalker lady" Wanda sighs. "I missed you so much" She says, tears filling her eyes.

"I missed you too, baby. Let's go home now, hm?" I smile, happy that she recognized me.

Clint helps me to lift her up, he puts one of Wanda's arm around his shoulder's while I put the other around mine's.

"Wait!... Y/N, you need to find that bitch and kick her ass" Wanda states, stopping to walk completely.

"I promise I'll find her tomorrow, let's get you to bed now, okay?" I tell her, trying to be as nice as possible.

"But she had my favorite hoodie on. The one you always steal. I want it back" Wanda sobs, wrapping both of her arms around me and crying into my neck.

"Wanda, I promise you'll have your hoodie back tomorrow, just please come home with me" I sigh, rubbing her back. Clint just gives me a look full of sympathy which is not helping it at all, but nice of him for trying to make me feel better.

"Promise?" She asks, wiping her tears away.

"I promise, my love" I give her a smile and press a kiss to her forehead. "Let's go, you must be so tired"

Clint and I finally get Wanda to my car, so I thank him for help and buckle my girlfriend in.

"You got it back?" She gasps. "You're the best girlfriend!... I hope you kicked that bitch's ass" Wanda mumbles the last part, making me chuckle.

"You bet I did. No one will stalk and flirt with my girlfriend" I tell her which seems to satisfy her, so I sit behind the wheel and start driving us home... finally.

I pull over in the garage and open the door for my half-sleeping girlfriend, helping her out of the car.

"You're so nice to me, do you have a girlfriend?" Wanda asks me on which I furrow my brows as I thought she recognized me.

"I do" I answer, cusious where this will bring us.

"I have a girlfriend too! Y/N is on a mission now though. But maybe we could go on a double date someday!" Wanda says happily.

"That's a great idea" I tell her with a chuckle.

"Awesome! I'll ask Y/N when she comes back... you kinda look like her! That's scary!" Wanda gasps, studying my face while I'm trying to get her to our room.

"We're here" I announce, a sigh of relief leaving my lips as I sit my girlfriend on our bed.

"Thank you!" Wanda smiles, attempting to take off her shoes. "You can go home now. I don't think Y/N would appreciate if you watched me change, even though you look like her. And she should be home soon, because we're having a movie night" She looks at me seriously.

"Okay, I'll go home. Goodnight" I give her a smile and walk out of the room.

I wait about 2 minutes outside before walking back in. Hopefully she'll know it's me otherwise I might as well end up sleeping on the couch.

"Wanda, baby, I'm home" I announce, finding my girlfriend in the same position as I left her 2 minutes ago, her shoes still on and her cheeks wet. "Oh no, why those tears, baby?" I ask her softly, kneeling in front of her.

"Y/N/N, I can't take off my shoes" She sobs.

"Luckily for you, I'm here to help" I smile and wipe her tears away before taking off her shoes. "Let's get you ready for bed now, hm? Would you like one of my hoodies?" I ask softly, getting a nod in response.

Wanda loves sleeping in my hoodies just like I love sleeping in hers. We steal each others clothes on daily basis which I absolutely love, cause nothing is more comfortable than Wanda's hoodies.

I help her to change into some sweatpants and my hoodie which is not easy at all as she's already half asleep and isn't really helping me.

"Okay, you can sleep now, baby" I smile, helping her to properly lay down on the bed. I sigh in relief and lay down next to her, immediately having her cuddled up to me.

"I love you" She mumbles before drifting off to sleep, making me smile and kiss her forehead.

"I love you too" I whisper back. "But I'm not letting Pietro to look after you ever again"

After this I know a few things for sure... Wanda is the most loyal girlfriend ever and I'm really glad for that.

Another thing is that I will never ever let Pietro to look after his sister when I'm not here. We'll sure talk about it tomorrow and it won't really be a nice talk for him


Chose Wanda, cause I felt like she is more likely to get drunk than Nat

WandaNat/ScarLizzie one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now