Acceptance? (Part 3)

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The next few days go by and it is Thursday already. As the sunlight peeked in through the window, Pico woke up and noticed that I was still sound asleep. He picked me up as gently as he could, trying not to wake me up as he held me. He sat on the edge of the bed and tried to wake me up. "Good morning my love." He said softly as he kissed my forehead. I opened my eyes and rubbed them open. "Morning babe." I said still trying to wake up. "Still pretty sleepy?" "Yeah, just trying to wake up is all." I said while stretching a bit. "You hungry for breakfast? I can make you one of your favorites." I perked up a bit. "Yes please." I said in a playful voice. "I'll make us breakfast and you can relax until it's ready." I hugged him as a thank you. He picked me up again and carried me to the couch. He layed me down gently and went to the kitchen to make us breakfast. I pull up my messages and texted Benji and B3 Bf in our group chat. I noticed that there were two other numbers and I instantly knew that Soft Pico and B3 Gf were added into our chat as well.

Me: Morning everyone. Hope you all slept well. 😊😊
Benji: Morning Ella. How are you doing today? You excited for tomorrow? ☺️
Me (reply): You know I am Benji, I can't wait.
B3 Bf: Morning everyone. Hey Ella, have you heard anything from Neo yet? Just curious.
Me (reply): No. Still nothing 😞. At this point, I wouldn't expect anything from him.
Soft Pico: Ella, don't say that. Neo (Bf) just needs time to think things over that's all. Hopefully you will hear from him eventually. He can't shut you out of his life forever.
B3 Gf: Agreed. You're a precious gem Ella and we all love you as much as Pico (Neo) loves you. At least you have us to talk to as well.
Me (reply): I'm actually going to start crying because that is so sweet B3 Gf. I'm glad to have you guys as my friends. 🥹🥹🥹
Benji: We mean it Ella. You're a great friend for us too and we will always be here for you, no matter what. We love you too dang much. ☺️☺️
B3 Bf: Agreed Benji
Me (reply): 😭😭🥹🥹. You guys are so sweet.
Soft Pico: *Hugs for Ella.*
Me (reply): I'm happy now. Anyways, who's excited to hang out tomorrow?
Benji: Me for sure
Soft Pico: Me too. Can't wait to see you Ella.
B3 Bf: Me too.
B3 Gf: Me three. Lol 😂
Me (reply): I am too. I can't wait any longer. Anyways, I probably should let you guys go so you can get ready for the day. Ttyl everyone. ☺️
Benji: Ttyl Ella. See you tomorrow ☺️
Soft Pico: Ttyl Ella. See you tomorrow
B3 Bf: Ttyl everyone. Can't wait for tomorrow.
B3 Gf: Ttyl. See you guys tomorrow 😊

I smiled as I kicked my feet in excitement. I always do that whenever I'm really excited. Pico looked over and blushed. "I love it when she does that. I'm falling head over heels for her and I don't regret it a single bit." He thought to himself as he brought me my plate and sat next to me. "Texting in the group chat?" He asked me. "Yeah, just to say good morning and to see how I was doing and talking about tomorrow." I said as I ate. He smiled softly and blushed even harder. After we were finished eating, we got ready for the day. I checked my phone and the time read 11:30 am. I realized something that I haven't done for a while. I haven't posted any new videos to my YouTube account, StarKitty234. I wanted to post an update video on what's been going on lately. While Pico was getting ready, I sat in the living room, pulled up my camera and hit record.

Me (Recording): Hello everyone, I know it's been a while since I have posted any new videos, but, a lot has been going on and one of them I would like to give you the full story. So, as you can probably see, I'm not at my apartment with Bf and Gf. *Gets up off the couch and walks around the apartment.* I am actually with my boyfriend Pico. I am actually living with him. *Sits back down on the couch, still holding my phone.* The reason why that is, I won't go into too much detail but, Bf and I got into a little bit of a fight and it didn't end well. For right now, I probably won't be posting anything for a bit until everything calms down on my end. I just wanted to get an update video out today so you guys know where I have been and everything. That's all for right now, thanks for watching. After I stopped the recording, Pico walked in. "Recording a video?" He asked. "Yeah, just a small update video about what's been going on and everything." "I gotcha. Did you post it yet?" "Just did." As soon as the video got posted, I closed YouTube and turned off my phone. "Still nothing from Bf (Neo) yet?" Pico asked me as he sat next to me. I shook my head no. "Like I said my love, you will hear from him eventually." He said while hugging me. "Anyways, is there anything that you want to do today Ella?" Pico asked me. "I can't really think of anything. How about you?" "Well, I was thinking here in a bit, maybe we can go to the mall or something and just hang out for a bit. Plus, I know what stores you want to go to. I'll let you get whatever you want." "Really? You're so sweet Pico. My only rule is that I won't get anything too expensive because I don't want to be an over-spender right now." "That is true. But, this is my treat for you. I wanna spoil the heck out of you my sweetheart." Pico said while holding me. "What time do you want to go?" "How about 2:30? Does that sound good." I nodded. "That's perfect." I said while snuggled up against him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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