Acceptance? (Part 1)

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The next morning rolled around as the sunlight peeked in through the windows. Pico and I still sound asleep. My phone buzzed and I opened my eyes a little bit. I rolled over and saw it was my alarm. I shut it off and rolled back over. I laid there and began to doze off again. I was still pretty upset from last night. That whole phone call, i couldn't stop thinking about what Bf had said to me. I started to get emotional again and started crying. Pico opened his eyes a bit and comforted me. He pulled me closer to him, trying to calm me down. "Ella, it's ok. I'm here." He said calmly while trying to wake up. I opened my eyes again and hugged him gently. "I just can't stop thinking about it." I said in a shaky tone. Pico picked me up gently as he got out of bed and held me for a bit. "I know Ella. If Bf would just get into his head that I'm not in that stupid clan anymore and actually accept me being with you. He just doesn't realize how well I actually know you. Plus, he doesn't know how much I really love you. He's only seen the small bits of my love for you. Ella, I know I keep saying this a lot, but i really do mean it when I say it. I really do love you very much and I want us to be together, no matter what anyone else thinks. We're both happy and that's all that matters." He said calmly while stroking my hair and rubbing my back. I smile softly and just hug him, not saying anything for a second. "You're the best Pico." I said, still a bit shaky. "I love you too, so much." He smiles softly after I said that. "Anyways, what do we want to do for breakfast? Is there anything that you have been craving lately?" Pico asked me. "Well, there is another new place that I have been wanting to try. I think it's called Bunnies Bakery I believe? I really want to try some of their doughnuts. They look so good." I say as my stomach growls. "Do you want to go and pick out some doughnuts? I read some good reviews about it and i really want to check it out too. Let's go ahead and get ready so we can go, ok?" "Ok." I say as I go to pick out my outfit for the day. My phone buzzed again and this time it was a text from Gf and two unknown numbers.

Gf: Morning Ella. How are doing today? You still ok with me coming over to see you at 2 today? I also want to bring you a few things.

Me (reply): Morning Gf. I'm still pretty upset and everything, but Pico has been so calm and mild mannered about the whole situation. We're going out to Bunnies Bakery to pick out some doughnuts. I'll even save you one if want one. Other than that, we don't have anything going on. Pico knows that you're coming because I told him yesterday, so we're good. By the way Gf, do you know who these two phone numbers are? I don't recognize them. *Send screenshot of the contacts.*

Gf: I'm glad that Pico is being so understanding with this. He loves you very much and it shows. Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. I gave my mom and dad your phone number just in case if you needed anything. The first phone number is my moms and the second one is my dads. Anyways, I'll let you go Ella so you go and eat breakfast. Lol. I know how you get. I'll see you at 2 ok?

Me (reply): Gotcha. Thanks Gf. I'll text them back because they will be asking me the same thing that you are. See you at 2.

I pull up my contacts and put both phone numbers down so I knew who they were. I pull up the second message. It is from Gf's mom.

Mommy Mearest: Hi Ella darling. How are you doing? Gf told me and her dad everything that happened yesterday. Do you need anything?

Me (reply): Hi Mrs. Mearest, I don't need anything at the moment. If I do, I will let you know. Thank you for asking.

Mommy Mearest: Oh please darling, you can call me mom. You know I will be here if you need anything, ok? Love you sweet Ella.

Me (reply): Love you too mom.

I pull up the last message and it is from Gf's dad

Daddy Dearest: Hi sweetie, heard what happened yesterday with Bf and everything. If you need anything, I'm here too. Love you.

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