The Misunderstanding

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The next morning rolled around and I was still pretty tired from the party last night. My phone alarm went off and I immediately rolled over and shut it off, *Groan.* Morning already. I roll back over in bed and Pico was still hugging me gently, still sound asleep. I look around my room and noticed that everyone else had left early that morning. I kiss Pico on his forehead and he slowly opens his eyes and looks up at me. "Well, good morning, sleepy head." I said playfully, but calmly. "Good morning Ella." He said while rubbing his eyes. I grab both of our phones off of the chargers and i immediately check my messages.

New Messages: 3

Soft Bf: Hey Ella, sorry we had to leave so early this morning. I had something come up and i really wished I could've stayed longer. The party was super fun last night and it was nice to see all of you guys again. Hope we can meet up again soon. 💙🤍Benji.

Me (reply): Hey Benji, I'm glad you had fun last night and it was good to see you again too. I'm so hoping we can meet up again and maybe go see a movie or something? I don't know. Lol. Hopefully whatever came up isn't too serious for you. Ttyl.

B3 Bf: Hey Ella. You probably saw the text from Benji in our text chat that we have. I actually had something come up too, so sorry we had to leave early this morning. That party last night was awesome and it was so worth it! It was nice to see everyone again and I'm hoping we can do something like that again. Anyways, Ttyl Ella.

Me (reply): Hey B3, I'm glad you had fun too. It was so worth it too! Anyways, I'm hoping whatever came up for you isn't too serious either. Ttyl.

Rosie: Hey Ella, Sorry I had to bail early this morning, but Carrie had put me on the opening shift and I totally forgot. Party was totes fun! It was good to see you again girl. Anyways, Ttyl babe ❤️

Me (reply): Hey Rosie, I understand completely. Work sometimes is unpredictable. Lol 😂. Anyways, good luck with your shift. Hopefully everything is smooth sailing for you. Ttyl Rosie.

I set my phone down on the bed and Pico hugged me gently from behind. "Texting everyone back?" He asked. I nodded. I smile softly and blush slightly. "You seem happy this morning." Pico said while playing with my hair and blushing slightly. "I'm just happy I get to be with you." I say shyly. "I'm always happy when I'm with you." Pico blushed so hard when I said that. "I feel the exact same way when I'm with you Ella." He said happily.

Bf and Gf were awake and they were making breakfast for everyone. Bf knocked on my bedroom door. "Hey sis, you awake? We got breakfast ready if you're hungry." "Coming baby bro." I replied. I look back at Pico and we both blush. "Guess we should go and eat some breakfast, huh?" I ask Pico. "We should because I don't want you to go hungry." He said while stroking my hair.

I stand up and stretch a little, my shirt comes up a little bit and I immediately pull it back down, slightly embarrassed. Pico glances over when he saw me stretching and blushes a little. He stood up next to me and both of us walk out of my room, both of us smiling happily. "Morning baby bro." "Morning Gf." I say happily. "Well good morning Ella. Good morning Pico." Gf replied back happily. Bf stayed silent when he saw Pico with me. Gf noticed this and elbowed him gently to try and get his attention. "Morning sis." He didn't say anything more, he just went back to what he was doing, with a bit of a scowl on his face. "What did you guys make for breakfast?" I asked. "We made your favorite, chocolate chip pancakes." "Yummy!" I said while jumping up and down a little. Pico smiled when he saw how excited I got. Gf hands Pico and I both a plate. "Here you go guys, go ahead and sit down and eat, we'll join you both here in a minute." "Thanks Gf." Pico and I said at the same time.

Gf gently grabbed Bf by his arm and pulled him aside into their room. "Ok Bf, what's going on with you this morning? You haven't said a word to Pico all morning and it's really rude, you know? If there's something going on, you can tell me." Bf sighed. "I know they slept together and you know what I'm going to say. Gf, I still don't fully trust Pico being around Ella. What if she is hurt by him? What if Pico turns against her and breaks her heart?" Gf stopped Bf from asking any further questions immediately. "Babe, aren't you overeacting a bit? Both of them have known each other since they were kids and I think they would make a really cute couple. Babe, trust me, please, Ella is going to be fine." Bf softened up a bit. "You're right Gf, maybe I am overreacting. I really want to ask Ella if it's something that she wants because I have protected her for years and I'm not letting my guard down, ever." "Alright babe, but just don't go and ask her upright because you know how Ella gets about big questions in general." "I'll ask her later after Pico leaves so it won't seem so awkward." "Good. Now let's go and eat our breakfast before it gets cold."

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