Chapter 47 - Will spring come?

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“Your, Excellency…… you should…… run away…….”

Lena was worried about him as she was losing her consciousness.

“Lena, don’t worry. Because all the monsters were eliminated. Does it hurt a lot?”

Kahel had to struggle quite a bit to suppress the magical power that was about to run out in anger. That anger was directed solely at himself. His precious maid, the cute little rabbit, suffered hardships by these filthy monsters because of him and no one else…….

“If you go to the castle, you can get treatment right away because there is a doctor on duty. Hold on, Lena.”

Kahel took off his coat and wrapped it around Lena’s ice-cold body. But even at that moment, Lena grabbed Kahel’s arm and said urgently.

“On the neck of the monster…… a necklace…….”


“The monster…… some woman’s…… voice…….”

That’s all Lena could endure. Lena, who had been tormented by the pain, cold, and fear, was relieved of her tension, and soon lost her consciousness.

* * *

Margella, who cast magic stones on the monsters and remotely controlled them so they could use magic, fiddled with the crystal ball with a strange expression. And after a while, Leonard, who received an urgent message from Margella, entered the cave. He must have gotten tired from activating the magic circle by forcing his magical energy into it, but at this dawn he was dressed in a way that even a single hair wasn’t messed up.

“What’s going on, Margella?”

“Ah, Your Excellency. Sorry for disturbing your rest. But something very interesting happened.”


“Yes. It’s very, very interesting. Unknown at all…….”

Leonard sat down elegantly without showing any rush. Whenever Margella said something ’interesting’ was going to happen, he would get excited. As far as he knows, no priest or scholar in the world has sought the truth more than the warlock, Margella. Everything she researched and revealed its identity was giving Leonard great help.

“How interesting is it this time?”

“A mysterious power has appeared, Your Excellency.”

“Hmm? Mysterious power?”

“Until now, the only power we knew were the magical powers of the two Duchies, the Queen’s power to subdue the Duchies, and the holy powers possessed by some priests in the temple. However, some force that does not belong in any of the categories has just interrupted the start of the magic circle.”

“What? It’s not magic, but it prevented the black magic circle from starting?”

“Yes, Your Excellency. And the one who used that power…… is the woman the Duke of Luave had.”

That surprised Leonard more than the discovery of a new power.

“Woman? Kahel was with a woman? No, wait. I don’t quite understand. No matter how much he relies on Calia, it can’t suppress all the devilish power that comes out of him. Wouldn’t she be insane if a woman was by his side like that?”

“She has a very sane mind, and even though her life is in danger, she tries to save the Duke of Luave. I don’t know what their relationship is, or what that woman really is.”

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