Act of Retribution

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Julia might have agreed and trusted her, aside from Tera and Juste(her brother's line) she knew who Emma really was, but her son didn't.

"How will you protect me?" Richter demanded skeptically. "I can do magic and I'm skilled with sword and whip. What have you got?"

"Who says I can't do magic?" Emma cocked her brow and whistled. Her sword came flying into her hands and she swung it with its blade wreathed in white flame. She couldn't help chuckling from the wide eyed gawk on his face. "And that's the least I can do. Pray you do not see more."

"You...You're a Light Mage!"

"That's just the tip of the iceberg, kid." Emma winked sheathing her sword."There's more to me than meets the eye ." She looked at Julia while discreetly scratching the glyphs concealed on her arms. "Much more."

That sealed the deal and earned his trust, though Vance remarked afterwards the trick with her father's  sword was a little over the top. "Mom would've approved." Emma chuffed.

Now here she was, a week later, on the appointed date at the appointed time on the appointed docks, and nearing twenty minutes delayed.

"Something's not right." Emma clutched her sleeve as the glyphs prickled the length of her entire body. "Vance, go scope out and see if you can find them."

Vance didn't shift, instead standing rigid, bearing his fangs as his eyes shot red. "My Lady." He hissed. "Get on the ship. I smell blood. Fresh blood. I'm not the only one hunting tonight."

Emma heard a pitiful scream from down the alley to her left, a wailing cry for help.

"Emmaline! Emmaline!!!"

She gasped, gripping the hilt of her concealed sword. That was Julia's voice!

"Help! Please help!!!!!!"

"Emmaline!" Vance cried speeding after her with bat wings as she raced down the alley. She scuffled to a halt, clasping her mouth staring horrified at the scene before her.

Julia Belmont lay against the alley wall grievously wounded. Blood pooled from a stab wound in her chest , wetting the cobblestones and she stared blankly at Emma, reaching out a mangled hand, her leathery glove drenched crimson. "Emmaline....."

Emma's heart raced. "What the fuck happened? Who did this to you!?"

"No time!" Julia gasped, blood pooling from her lips. "Please! Save my son!"

"Where's Richter!?" Emma's glyphs prickled like they never did before, the hairs stood stiff on her back and arms. An icy chill stifled the air, and the small cramped alleyway  felt like the middle of winter instead of the prime of summer. She should've realized by the chill alone the truth of the matter, but she was too focused on Julia bleeding out .

"Down the alley." Julia stammered, coughing up blood. "Go now! He needs you!!!!!"

"I'm not leaving you like this!" When Emma reached to help her up, Julia yelled at her in a way that sent her entire body stiff to the core. "Leave me!!!" Julia bellowed. "It's too late for me! Save my son!! Before it's too late! Please Emmaline......" Tears streamed down her face. " I can't protect him anymore......."

Emma stood back shivering and nodded. "I will." She turned to her confidant. "Vance, get Julia to a doctor!  Say it's an emergency and try not to gorge yourself further, she's lost enough blood as is."

"Emma!" Vance grabbed her arm as he followed her.

"What are you doing!?" She spun around. "Help Julia! We can't leave her there to bleed out!"

Castlevania Nocturne: A Guardian's Tale (Part 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora