Splendy, Flakes and Flip

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Flippy rolled his eyes, "that doesn't mean you can enter people's house without permission... "

Splendid replied hastily," Well....no one's here...so why can't I? " He took a step forward and took a seat on the chest in front of him.

Flaky stared at the bluenette.He had stunning blue eyes and a pale complexion. He was donned in a striking red tee with a blue jacket pulled over it, he was also wearing a pair of jeans and sported a red eye mask, as if he was trying to hide his identity. He looks youthful, perhaps somewhat in his twenties. He voice is somewhat deep and mature. She can't believed she let her guard loose and this one guy dressed in blue had been kept up in her attic doing who knows, stalking her? Or whatever.

Splendid , who was still sitting in the chest, scanned his eyes over to Flippy. The greenhead was wearing his ever so famous army jacket, his beret, black jeans; and sporting a red bandana tied to his left sleeve on his arm. He sported greenish-yellow eyes and somewhat sharp teeth. He too looks youthful , also probably in his twenties. He's a veteran, who just came back fron war not long ago.

Flippy shot Splendid a glare upon realised he was looking at him. He seems to have the "touch her and you're dead " kind of look. Heck, he seems all to kind to pretty much shout at Splendid. Poor guy had PTSD from some terrible things that happened during war.

Flaky was standing right in the middle. This little red head has a headful of messy, untamed red locks, held together by several silverish-white bobby pins. Dressed up in a kinda oversized sweater that droops to one side revealing her sports bra, and a rather short skirt completed with stockings that reached her toes. She had rare ruby eyes and porcelain skin, smooth and seeming to emit a glow. Her personality was somewhat of a little Lamb, all naive and gullible.
Splendid responded Flippy with a smile that says " Don't worry, I'm too far to touch her anyway.

Things just go silent for those few seconds before flaky broke the silence by asking, " So....where are you from and why are you here?"

Splendid gave a surprised look and answered " Well I'm new here, you see, my darling twin sister who came to live here slightly earlier than me was wrecking havoc, and as an older by a minute brother I'm here to stop all her nonsensical shit. " " Who's your sister? " " Oh , her name's Splendont. She's an idiot. "

" I bet she'd murder you if she heard that. " Flippy mockingly added.

" Can't blame me , she's an idiot head to toe. "

Splendont, she's a young woman in her twenties who's dressed the direct opposite of her big brother, blue tee and eye mask, along with a red jacket . She's that one rebellious jerk who acts all shitty and angry , especially to her brother. I can see, splendid had a hard time trying to tolerate that. Her reasoning to this behaviour would be due to her not being as strong as her brother, restrictions. After all, she's just a girl. Let her brother handle the baddies, as she was always told. She flow had those red ruby eyes, these were so rare and considered a jewel, to think Flaky and this unknown redhead had these,rare treasure. She also had red locks which was often pulled up and tied Into a neat ponytail, off and away from her face.

Splendid could go on ranting about how evil his dear sis is , if he can't tolerate.

A/n : Heyyyy there, sorry for the loooong hiatus for sooooo long. I was busy and Woah,that's it, national exams this year. Yeah.....yep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2016 ⏰

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