Double Raid (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

'Sir Ragna.... he's here, too? That's intriguing....' He thought, before glancing towards the soldiers who were waiting to begin their search around the mansion.

"Men! Start searching! If you meet an orange haired man, do not attack him, he is on our side!" He commanded, waving his hand towards the hallways to point at where his knights should go.

"Yes sir!"

Turning his head towards the maids, he nodded it once.

"Rest assured, we will take away Staffan Heivish the moment we find him."

[ ~ Line • Break ~ ]

Ragna hurriedly jogged down a hallway following a fairy he summoned through [Blessing of Titania] while he thought about Ninya.

He was obviously a bit worried, one for wasting his time waiting and two for being a little too focused on monologuing for some reason.

Sighing to himself, he decided to make a full-on dash for a few seconds until the fairy had stopped next to a door. He slid to a stop.

Though he was about to decide to either kick or open the door, it was blasted into a wall, forcing the fairy he summoned to immediately return to the Realm of Fairies after being hurt once.


A frightful scream of an obese man was heard inside the room, and curiously, Ragna took a good peek into the room.

"Oh~? It seems Ninya is growing up...." He commented, making a small chuckle as he observed her fighting an obese man.

She was obviously winning against him in such a one-sided manner that Ragna felt like she was quite literally beating the man down to near death.

"Fuhahahaha! How does it feel, Staffan!? The feeling of weakness and fear you had once given your victims, now handed over to you in full!" Ninya yelled out, enjoying what she was giving Staffan at the fullest extent.

The noble couldn't even try to fight back, as the tools and equipment that could be used weren't even close enough to him.

"And those fools on mere books even spoken that revenge does only feels empty, but to me, it is the best amount of bliss I had felt for my entire life!" Ninya continued, as even if Staffan tried to plead mercy, and even cry out for help.

But it does seem like she was beginning to tear up and cry, and she is going to do that soon. But first....

Ragna stepped into the room. And Ninya's focus shifted tj him.


"Hey. How's it going, I just followed you all here, you know? Your teammates are worried." He spoke, approaching her casually before casting a sleep spell on Staffan and used control amnesia to him to increase the time of his suffering in his memories.

Ninya immediately leaped towards Ragna, hugging him while pressing her head on his chest, her cries muffled as soon enough he felt a gentle wetness on his chest.

"Sister.... she's gone forever..." Ninya cried, yet the baffled response Ragna gave her switched her tears full of sadness to tears full of joy.

"Seriously? What made you think of that? I healed her up before going after you, you know. It'll take a week before she fully recovers."



For a few minutes, Ninya had cried, and in those minutes, several knights arrived at the room, and they misunderstood the situation. Through following orders, they knew not to attack Ragna and asked him if the obese man is Staffan Heivish.

Afterwards, the obese noble was taken away, not before Gazef wondered who would take responsibility of the village. Ragna decided to ask him if he should do this, even if he should go manage the village until he finds a suits le candidate.

Gazef agreed in two conditions: If the village favors him, then he will continue to rule the village, the second was that he had to accept a noble title of Earl by the order of King Ramposa.

Ragna immediately decided to accept it. Knowing that Ramposa wanted him to stay here for a long while, yet still had his doubts.

That did mean something, though. He definitely had to ask Ninya to go search for her Group Members because they had a reward left unclaimed after a short while, and it was dishonorable of him not to do so.

"Wait, Sir Ragna...."

"What is it? Is it about your sister? If yes, you can stay here in Staf- ahem.... My mansion to talk with her once she wakes up."

"E-eh? I also meant to thank you not just for being a friend, you know!!"

[ ~ TO • BE • CONTINUED ~ ]

2 to 3 chapters after this is the E-Rantel Death Spiral arc.

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