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"Where is he?" Brandon mumbled with hatred. I prepared for a strong reaction since I knew I now had to tell him that Donald didn't get arrested for the assault. But he couldn't do much anyway, he was too heavily drugged and in too much pain to act out, and he deserved to know the truth.

"He's not coming back," I stated shortly and hoped for him to be pleased with the answer even though I knew he wouldn't.

"Was he arrested?" He asked, without emotion, probably already aware that he wasn't since he knew how hard it was pressing charges against a man like Donald.

"No, but Ms. Schwartz made a deal with the police. He's not coming back, Brandon," I remarked, confident that it was true.

Brandon sneered, and looked away from me as he gritted his teeth to settle his growing irritation.

"You think a man like him will stay away just because somebody tell him to?"

He spoke to me like I was dumb, but I didn't blame him since he didn't know anything else about the plea.

I stroked his hand, tried to calm him from his inner demons as I had not yet been given a chance to finish.

"They imposed a restraining order on him, and if he violates it, he will be arrested right away for it, and this case will be brought up in court," I explained to prove my point. Brandon hesitated, but calmed down slightly with the information.

"The witch made that happen?" He asked in surprise like Dorothy was only capable of evil.

"Don't call her that!" I snapped as I held back a laugh. She was indeed a very grim and resolute woman, but she didn't deserve to be called a witch.

"I may stop now since she did that for you," He admitted, back in his normal state of showing no emotion.

The wings in my belly fluttered by his words, and I smiled at his unknown kindness. Every time he spoke it made me fall deeper into the realization of how much he cared for me. This was not a game going in between us anymore, this was something real.

He managed to show emotions, act out in both anger, sadness, sexual wrath and affection. He proved to me, that he was no psychopath, he was just not used to feelings since he shut them out for so many years and forgot how to deal with them.

But I managed to change that. No matter if it turned out the wrong way many times, they were still there, growing stronger along with every session we had...

"I wish I would've killed him," Brandon suddenly hissed, and my stomach knotted to kill the sprightly butterflies inside.

"I know," I replied in whisper, sympathising with him since I didn't want to risk a dispute.

I already knew he felt that way, but hearing him say it out loud just made me realize the meaning of it. No matter how vulgar it sound, I couldn't help but wish the same.

Donald was a dangerous man, and it wouldn't matter putting him on a restraining order against one woman. That only meant he would go haunt for another prey. A new victim he could seduce into his violence and abuse until there would be nothing left. People like him did that, and they were not able to ever be cured.

The thought of it made me sick since I felt so bad for the next woman falling into his terror. Somehow it was my fault, just to allow him to get rid of me, knowing he would search for someone new.

But I had to try and move on. There was nothing left that I could do about it else than feeling relieved that he was no danger to me anymore...

Suddenly the door opened up the room again, and the two women stepped inside to join us in the silence. Ten minutes went way too fast. I wanted to be alone with Brandon for hours, keep comforting him, talk to him and kiss him, over and over again, make him forget about the pain. But we had our moment, and now it was over.

"Mr. Barlowe you need to stay here at least for a couple of days, according to Dr. Watson," The nurse broke the silence between the four of us as she spoke to Brandon.

He didn't look pleased at all.

"Why?" He asked back rudely.

"We need to keep you on IV and have you monitored day and night. Your body is still under a lot of pressure and you need to rest," She remarked, determined but polite.

"Trust me, they are very good at medicating and monitoring me at the psych house too," He argued back, trying to keep up with a facade of unexistent strength.

Listening to his nonchalant try of getting out of here made me want to giggle. I felt so bad for the innocent, tiny nurse having to deal with his rude self. She must've already been uncomfortable, only knowing there was a maniac killer laying on the bed in front of her.

"I am sorry to say it is nothing optional, Mr. Barlowe," She stayed resolute, and I was impressed with the way she managed to handle him so well without tearing eyes or trembling limbs. She didn't remind me at all of myself the first time I met with him.

"That's great," He muttered with irony as he realized he was conquered. I couldn't comprehend why he wanted to get out of here so badly, this bright, spacious hospital room was way better than the tiny, cold, concrete cell of his.

Maybe he just wanted it to be like it was supposed to, and what he was used to, because then he had more control. In here he had none, and I knew he didn't like that at all.

"Beverly, we need to get back to the institution. I will ask the receptionist to call us a taxi. Tell Mr. Barlowe that you will be back tomorrow. I want you to be here during your scheduled session hours. He needs you, and you need to be here for him and not lose track of your meeting routine," Dorothy quietly said before she started tracing out the room. I just nodded in agreement, and once again thought about how seriously she handled this destructive occasion.

Once again I was left alone with Brandon, but this time I knew it would only be for a short minute.

"I'll be back tomorrow. Ms. Schwartz wants me here during our scheduled hours," I cautioned wearing a smile.

"What did you do to her?" He just said, stumbling over the words.

"What do you mean?" I giggled.

"The witch? Acting a bit nice for once," He added straightly. I couldn't keep my own face straight, he was hilarious acting like that.

"You're soused, Brandon," I lastly stated while shaking my head, still wearing the grin he created.

He tensed his eyes into my own, and gestured at me to come closer. I leaned slightly forward, my heart pounding in excitement, and within a blink, I felt Brandon's hand embracing my neck in a weak, but dominant grip.

"Then you of all people, my love, know exactly how glorious I feel right now,"

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