Chapter 9

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Eruhaben stayed at Cale's bedside waiting for him to wake up, it took him a few hours for that.

Once he woke up, his gaze fell on the dragon sitting next to him on a chair. It took him a few minutes to remember where he was and why his body was sore. He started to grimace a little while trying to sit up, which did not escape the dragon.

" How are you doing ? "

" I'm doing well. "

"Sure, you want a healing potion?" Eruhaben obviously didn't believe him.

" No it's OK. I have my power. "

"Why is he so slow?"

"I got beaten by a sword master..." Although the real reason was that he didn't want to spit blood in front of his family anymore, this excuse worked just as well.

"*sigh* What happened to make him attack you like that? "

"I guess since he called me trash who thought I was the Cale henituse of his world... I didn't even have time to say something to him. He hit me while I was sleeping. If I was really the Cale Henituse of his world with no power and no one to protect me. He would have killed me..."

Eruhaben was angry obviously Cale had told him the whole story but it was more complicated than TBOAH Choi han thought. What TBOAH Cale henituse said was of course hurtful but he too was not in his right state. A child crying over the death of his mother and a guy comes to talk to him about where she died, no one would react well. Even if TBOAH Cale Henituse's fault was also there. TBOAH Choi han didn't have to beat a child when he was the adult plus he just did it again when he wasn't even the right person and he had already hit the boy. Didn't he have enough, Cale told him that he almost killed TBOAH Cale Henituse already back then?!

"What do you want to do with them?" Even if he wanted to hit him a little to make him regret his actions in addition to giving him some sense. He won't do it without Cale's agreement.

"I don't know... maybe let's try to find the person they're looking for. We then give it back to them and they will go home. And then I would have nothing more to do! " Cale nodded at her words as if agreed with himself. Although the silence afterwards in the room made him question his words.

He turned his head towards the dragon who was looking at him like he was an idiot and was done with everything.

" There is a problem ? " Cale asked innocently.

"*sigh* I would sometimes like to open that head to see what's going on there to be so smart and stupid at the same time. Cale, you know it's you they're looking for, right? "

He stared blankly at the ancient dragon, before looking at the ceiling of his room.

"It can't be me!" He returned to Eruhaben while he denied everything outright. He can't be the hero, his whole family is the big heroes, not him!

"Sorry Cale but it's you they were talking about..."

His old powers told him the same thing. Cale looked at the dragon with a broken expression as if his world had just collapsed.

"*sigh* Cale we've had this conversation hundreds of times already! How can you forget it?! " Yes since the end of the war their family has been trying to show Cale his importance to them and to the world but it doesn't work. The redhead turns a deaf ear.

"I prefer to forget it for my mental health..."

"As if you had already had some at first! You've been crazy for a long time! " Eruhaben wanted to shout it to him but he preferred to spare him that, let him dream a little.

"*sigh* What should you do with them then? "

"I don't want to talk to them..." Cale had no desire to do so. Already it gave him more work when he could finally rest. And it's not like he had to, the god of death threw his problems at him! he doesn't have to do it himself! TBOAH Choi han had hurt him and none of them even moved to help him. He had a certain grudge against him and TBOAH Cale Henituse his situation was even worse than him at the time, he would like to avenge him. But at the same time it could help their world and save a lot of lives... he really didn't know what to do. In this case, the best thing to do is to ignore everything, and consider them as if they were not there.

"I'm going to ignore them."

"*sigh*Very good." Eruhaben wasn't too sure if this would actually work.

"Well you can walk ? Dinner should be over by downstairs. You need help ? "

Eruhaben got up to help him but Cale got out of bed alone even though he saw that he was suffering while he did it but he was stubborn.

They both went down to the dining room. They could hear people arguing without really hearing the reason. All he knew was that the TBOAH people were down there with the others.

Cale unconsciously used his powers. They wanted to calm them down but he was also a little scared if TBOAH Choi han would jump on him again to hit him, even though his family would probably stop him.

The noise calmed down as soon as he made it, all eyes turned towards him. But only his family greeted him, asking if he was feeling better.

The others were suffocated by his aura.

"How can the young master have such powers, he has always been the weakest..."

Even TBOAH Choi han was suppressed by the aura and remained silent.

"Cale, you use your powers." Eruhaben warned him telepathically. Cale stopped him immediately.

He approached his place. His eyes never looked at their guests.

"Why are you arguing? "

"For nothing Cale-nim! " TCF Choi han quickly responded TBOAH people was surprised at TCF Choi han's change in mood.

"The mad dog became a real trained puppy..." The molans were surprised.

While TBOAH Choi han was disgusted by his double's actions.

Once seated, Cale started eating. Ron had already served him his meal under the critical gaze of his double.

But TBOAH Alberu started talking to him.

"Young master Cale may I have the honor to discuss with you who is a savior for your world and a future for ours ?"

Obviously Cale grimaced at the word hero.

TCF Alberu already wanted to make fun of his brother but he knew it was not a good idea to do it now.

"*sigh* No, I definitely don't want to do it. I would like to be able to eat peacefully and be peaceful. "

Everyone in TBOAH showed a stunned expression before anger appeared.

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