Bill lets out a sigh as the world grays, Bill pushes right through Dipper and pulls the demon from him. "Run!" Bill throws the demon back into the air and chases it down for the kill. I grab Dipper and run as fast as my legs could carry me and technically Dipper too. The shack is visable through the burned forest and broken bushes, Grunkle Stan is waiting outside impatiently. I get into the clearly in front of the shack and he bolts out to us. He lifts Dipper into his arms and we rush inside.

Grandpa runs out of the gift shop and rushes to us. "What happened?!"

"Long story short, Dipper and I made a deal with Bill so he could have the power to stop the other demon from speeding up the universe's destruction. He broke the deal and we had a small issue with the even worse demon inhabiting Dipper for a moment. "

"It what?!!" The Stans' say in unison. Dipper shifts and they lay him down on the kitchen table.

"Hrrm,... What h... happened?" Dipper says squinting at the blinding kitchen light above him.

I rush over and pull him in close for a hug. He wraps his arms around me slowly like he's confused. "I'm so glad you're okay. Bill said you might not of ever waken up."

"What happened to me?" He looks at us all crowding around him confused.

"Well, Bill did something wrong as you know, then on my way to bring you back here the other demon possessed you momentarily."

"I need to give Bill a serious talking to when this is all through, what was he even doing?!"

I grab his arm and pull him into another room, avoiding their glares. "He said you were full of power or something and he couldn't help himself, I'm guessing he took most of it."

"Would that be why my head hurts so much?" He rubs his forehead gently, yet still wincing in pain.

"Probably not, I got tired and accidentally dropped you on the pavement. That's the least of our problems! What should we do?"

"We should go out there and see what we can do." He turns to start towards the door, but I grab his sleeve.

"I don't want you going out there and it hurting you. I'll go and we can..." I run over to the cabinet and grab a pair of walkie talkies. "Talk on these! If I need you, I'll tell you. Stay safe Dip-dots."
I turn it on and run outside, I turn on the golf cart and floor it. I reach town and they're still fighting, but they're both a lot weaker now.

Bill blasts it away and floats down to me. "I need you to do me a favor."

"I'm listening."

"I need you-" the other demon blasts him and the shadows jump on him. I grab a flashlight and shine it on them. They rush away from Bill and into the dark. Bill rises and shakes the dust from himself. The other demon watches carefully, unsure of what's going on. "I need you to start the portal up no matter the cost. You've got 5 minutes."

He shoots away and I turn the cart around. "You hear that Dips?"

"Yeah, I'm going."

I drove back down the dirt path to the shack, the cart lifts off the ground and comes back down with a crash. I park it and run down to the lab, after waiting on the darn elevator for what feels like days.

"We have 3 minutes!" Dipper, grandpa, and Grunkle Stan rush around trying to get it up in time. There's a crash from upstairs followed by another one of the portal's anomalies. The two demons warp through the floor into the portal room, still quarreling. "Just kidding, we have no time! Get it spinning!"

I run out into the portal room and head to the lever on the floor, the same lever that not even a week ago I didn't press the button on, which indirectly caused all of this.

A flood destroyed this town...
and I caused it.

I push the lever and the portal springs open. I hold on for my life as the room begins getting sucked into the portal, piece by piece. I've clung to this lever before like this... It's almost a déjà vu moment. Bill brightens and stays put, confidently, in the middle of the room, laughing madly. The demon holds on to the edge of the portal, screeching. They cut the power to the machine and it closes. Bill closes his eye and pulses the world grey, to normal, and then back again, he pauses a moment and let's out one final blinding flash. I rub my eyes and sit up. I look down and see I'm sitting in bed. Sunlight pours through the unbroken window onto our floor. I look over to Dipper who has a gentle smile on his face.

It's over.
We're safe now.
We're safe, right?

A/N: And that's it! Thanks for supporting the story! It was a boat load of fun to write. If anything is still unclear, ask below and I'll answer some of the questions there. Idk, I just want to make sure everyone fully enjoyed the ending. Also yet one final thanks to MJWheeler for letting me torture you with my story and for you reading on your YouTube channel. She read it with their voices too. It was cool. Added another layer to the story. Her YouTube is 'Madaya Wheeler' btw if anyone wants to look it up. I'll be posting another story soon, it's called Dominoes. One last time, thank you for reading and supporting The End-Times!

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