The Awakening

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A dim purple light peeks through the darkness. Mabel is the only one sitting up in the complete darkness of the lab. She stares at the light as it dims and brightens. A huge roar sends her sprawling across the floor to wake the others, who are being slightly illuminated by this brightening light. The light swoops above her as a strong wind shoves her to the ground.

"Dipper! Stan! Soos?! Get up! Something came out of the portal!"

Stan is the first to stir to Mabel's incessant screaming. She runs to his side and shakes him violently to wake up.

"...Mabel? Are you alright?" Stan mumbles as he rises from the dark floor. "Wait, what happened?"

"I don't know! I think we are still in the shack, but I'm not sure."

He hold his hand to just head as Mabel helps him to his feet. The light has grown blinding and is waiting patiently.

"Stan...? Should we go to the light?"

{Mabel's Pov}

"Yeah, seems like our best bet. Grab your brother, I'll grab Soos." I grab Dipper and put his arm over my shoulder: Stan does the same with Soos and we begin walking towards the light.

"Did you know this would happen...?" I ask trying to break the eerie silence.

"Not at all. I was hoping for... a different outcome."

"I trusted you. You know that. I could have easily trust Dipper and stopped it." He doesn't respond. "Grunkle Stan, promise me I trusted the right person here."

He lets out a long sigh then pauses. "Mabel, I don't want to make that promise..."

"Why Grunkle Stan?!" I almost drop Dipper in my surprise.

"Because I'm not sure you did trust the right person here..."

We reach the portal and Stan carefully lays down Soos, then inspects his broken machine.

"Why does it look so broken?"


I quite myself as he groped around for a lever beneath the machine. I feel Dipper starting to shift around on my shoulder. He finally opens his eyes just as Stan flips the switch, plunging us into complete darkness again.

"Ah! I've gone blind!" Yells Dipper as he starts flailing around. He hits me in the face, so I grab his wrist tightly.

"You're not blind, it's just really dark."

He calms down so I release his hand. I hear Stan walking around, bumping into stuff and mumbling stuff to himself. It's probably curse words, knowing him. There's a loud metal tang followed by Grunkle Stan yelling, then a click. A single light flickers on, showing the amount of wreckage. Sparking wires, pipes dripping fluid, rubble with steel bars scattered around; covering the room. Stan picks Soos back up as we head back to the elevator. The elevator comes down with a thin, steel beam poking through it.

"Is this safe?"

"No, but it's the only way back up." Stan goes in and places Soos down on the ground, Dipper and I follow close behind. Stan pushes the button and the elevator slowly creaks up to the first floor. The doors open and a dust cloud blows in. We all cough as we exit. We climb the stairs and reach the vending machine. Stan gives it a shove, but it doesn't move.

"Kids, help me out." We all get up against the door and give it a shove. It snaps open, showing the Mystery Shack in complete disrepair.

A/N: Hi, I have a few more chapters ready, I'm just spell checking them and stuff. Sorry about this chapter being short after a long wait, felt a good place to stop the chapter. Well, I'll see if I can get the next chapter up later today. Bye bye!

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