As Mac and his father walked to the front of the event, they found only a few people at the big business level. Mac was familiar with some faces, but others were people he had never seen.

Kitcha and Mac went to register and soon entered the event. The party will be buffet style for everyone's convenience and most of them will come to talk more about business.

Mac's father took his son to greet some business clients for a while and continues to explain who is who and the business. Mac tried to learn as much as he could because this was his first time attending an event with his father. Mac looked more determined than before.

--Hello, Mr. Kitcha, a voice greeted Mac's father.

--Hello Mr. Rangsan, I didn't think you would come, I heard you went to Sweden, greeted Mac's father with a smile.

--I just got back. So I suddenly decided to come, replied the other party.

- Mac, this is the owner of the KN company.

Mac's father immediately introduces Mac to that person. Mac quickly raised his hand in greeting. He knew the name of this company well because he does business with houses and apartments.

- Hello, greeted Mac politely.

--Ah, is it your son? It's very nice, I doubt the girls at the event won't scream, Rangsan said with a smile.

Not much, Mac replied softly.

If it had been earlier, he would have stuck his neck out and proudly accepted the compliment.

--Ah, my son also came. I will bring him to greet him, Rangsan said as he looked at his son.

--He runs the company for you in Sweden, right? Mac's father asked back.

--Yes, but I let him go back to take care of the company in Thailand because we went in force there too...Ten come here. Rangsan motioned for him to call his own son.

Mac turned to look and saw a tall young man talking to a group of young women. When the other party returned, Mac couldn't help but admit that he was very cute. But that didn't make Mac happy. Ten excused himself from the group of youths to go to his father.

--Looks like you're going to have a daughter-in-law soon, Mac's dad joked.

Rangsan shook his head with


--I thought about it, Mr. Kitcha, but I'm tired, answered Rangsan as soon as his son came.

--This is Mr. Kitcha, the owner of the company... and this is Mac, Khun's son.

Rangsan introduced Kitcha and Mac to his son.

Ten immediately raised his hand to salute Mac's father. As for Mac, he raised his hand to salute Ten because it was enough to see that the other party was older than him.

--This is my son Ten, said Rangsan with a smile.

-- Ten, you are very good, I heard that you run the company on behalf of Lord Rangsan in Sweden.

Kitcha praised him sincerely.

--I'm not good at anything, I just do what I can.

Ten replied politely and turned to glare at Mac until Mac felt embarrassed.

(*Oh...damn. I hope he doesn't get interested in Mac....I hope he's sitting in the bank otherwise Nan takes care of him

--So you don't eat? Shall I go get some snacks? Ten is offered.

--Okay, I'll talk a little about business. Bring something to Mr. Kitcha and his son Ten, said the young man's father.

--Oh, I can go get mine too. Sorry to bother you Ten, Mac said hurriedly because he didn't want to disturb the people they had just met.

Nan & Mac Book 2 (Love Syndrome)Where stories live. Discover now