• Chapter-11 •

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AS SOON Fred screamed, he stopped when Andrew entered the room.

"Muffin did anyone troubled you.. cuz these monkeys are impossible to handle." Andrew playfully asked her

Lavender laughed at his question and responded "No No.. they didn't".

While she was laughing, Andrew's unconscious smile lingered on the corner of his lips. He admired her adorable laugh. Her giggles were soothing like music to his ears.

He returned to his senses when those soft giggles were broken by an annoying voice.

"Andyy!!! You never ever!!... Literally like never ever gave us a nickname!! " James playfully stomped his foot like a 5 year old kid.

He rolled his eyes annoyingly and remarked "I already gave you..." Stepping closer he spoke to them " 3 little monkeys" he smirked.

"Give us a sweet one!!!" Max spoke with a frown.

"That's the sweetest one... If I give you something worse than this, then you would be offended.. stay happy with this only" Andrew replied in a sarcastic tone.

Everyone began to hustle and pustle including Andrew, while Lavender was enjoying this scene with a  wide smile.

"Ok ok let's not argue more... How about let's do something fun!!" James suggested, stopping the hustling.


"Naah!! Don't you dare say food Max..!!"

"But food is fun, fun is food!!" Max pouted like a kid.

"Not today Max!! How about... Lavender do you wanna listen to our few music tracks?" Fred asked.

Lavender nodded her head in reply. With that Andrew opened his computer played a few tracks on its display.

The melodies of the music filled the room. She noticed how beautiful the lyrics were. The background music was calm and catchy.

She loved to listen music, but her heart sank at the thought that she always wanted to sing with her own handwritten lyrics.

Whenever she felt sad, she would always pour down her feelings on her diary. She didn't let anyone touch that diary, not even Mia.

She got lost in that soft music, and those melodies were so soothing to her ears.

"Love is a boundless feeling..

But the feeling I had for her was more than love

She was living in a darkness, but I want to give her a light.

Whenever she cried, I want to hug her so tight.

She had an ice like figure, but a soft big heart.

She was the moon and I was her brightest star.

She was a reserved girl of my story, who needs to be loved.

While I want to be that person of her story , who wants to give her love.

She is that girl from my story..

She is the love of my story.."

Andrew snapped his fingers infront of Lavender's lost face. She startled a little and looked innocently at him.

"Do you like it?" He asked her sweetly. Actually he wrote those lines for her.

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