• Chapter-6 •

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IT WAS DINNER time, and both sat facing each on the dining table with there plates filled with steak and fried rice.

He watched her silently taking small bites from the food. Her eyes met his beautiful almond ones. For a second, the time had stuck between them.

Their sould were yearning to reach out for each other. Between the silence, there souls wished to talk.

He was longing to hear her sweet voice. She was longing to cry in his arms.

Lavender and Andrew remained locked in their silent connection. Their souls were interwined unknowingly, wishing for someone to break this silence.

There was a pin drop silence between them until Andrew broke the silence calmy, making them break the eye contact "Mom and Dad are visiting us this week.."

Lavender looked at him while chewing on her rice. She was in amusement when she heard his voice. It was like she was waiting for the moment when he will speak.

" I don't want our parents to suspect anything about not sleeping together... you will be shifting to my room." He continued with a sigh.

She nodded.

And they continued eating. But inbetween she then spoke " On which day are they coming?"

He felt like he heard her voice after ages. He replied " Most probably... Saturday?"

She nodded again.

And they both continued to eat in pin drop silence.


Time :- 23:45

* Ding Dong *

Lavender opened the door. As she opened it, she was attacked by a tight hug . Her eyes widened and looked down to see who it was.

It was Mrs Jones.

" Awww.... myyy lovvellyyy Lavvenderrr!!!! Doo youu knnoww I wass dyyinggg too meet youu"

Lavender awkwardly smiled and patted her back. "Me too.. Mom"

She broke the hug "You know I saw your picture at your wedding day... And to be honest you look more beautiful than in the picture.."

She felt a little shy. " ummm... Thanks"

Lavender greeted his dad and let everyone inside the house.

" Dear, where is Andrew?" His dad questioned.

"Umm... He is at his studio working on the new music project... "

She felt a little awkward because Andrew was literally 6 years older than Lavender. So she was still in college and he was a music composer.

" This kid... You know.. how many times I say him to not over work himself.... It's about to be midnight... " Mr Jones massaged his own temple feeling a little worried about Andrew.

"Don't worry dad, he already ate his dinner at the studio with his friends.. well... at this time I was also awake doing my history project" Lavender replied assuring them that he is fine.

There was an awkward silence.

A really big awkward silence.

But Lavender broke it by saying " Um.. I guess you both are really tired by this long travelling... I heat up the food until you can rest on the sofa for a while "

"No need sweetie... I will heat up the food "

"Ohh is that so Mom... then I will help you carry the luggage upstai-"

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