Part 19

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"what the hell!" Namjoon shouted as soon as he saw Jungkook.

"Can't we talk later?" Hoseok said sighing.

Namjoon nodded and looked at Jin behind everyone. 'Do they know yet?' he signaled with his eyes and Jin shook his head in negative knowing what Namjoon was trying to ask. Namjoon sighed.

Two men came with a stretcher and they took Jungkook with them.

"now tell me." Namjoon asked.

"Kang Samyeong somehow took him and later we three went to the location he sent to me. Basically he was planning to catch me and Jungkook this time but he was just too dumb trying to make us fall in his silly trap." Yoongi said sitting down on a chair outside the examination room.

"how did you come out?" asked Namjoon.

"well I and J- I mean I and him went together and Hobi went later and when Sam was talking with us Hobi caught him from the back." He said pointing towards Jin and Jin sighed in relief.

"Yeah and you'll be happy to know that we took Sam with us Hah" Hobi said.

"really?" Namjoon's eyes brightened as he asked.

"no fakely" Yoongi said rolling his eyes

"what if someone come behind you?" Namjoon said also taking a seat.

"they won't be able to enter this place. No one knows about this clinic except the nurses and doctor here so why to fear." Hobi said shrugging.

"yeah right" Namjoon laughed rubbing his nape.

"shouldn't we just reveal it?" Yoongi whispered in Jin's ear.

"there're some nurses here. I'll do when we get to go inside and to everybody together." Jin said looking at Yoongi. Though his whole head and face was covered Yoongi could still sense him smiling. "what do you think their reaction will be?" Jin asked looking up at the painting hung on the wall infront.

They stayed silent for some moments.
"they.. They will be happier than ever." Yoongi said.

"However, Hobi seems like he still didn't recognize me. How dare he not recognize my handsome voice." Jin said sounding stern but at the same time chuckled.

"it's not like He didn't recognize your voice. He did but he's not sure. It's just he's still in a shock. You don't know but since that incident he's somehow being rude to others. The Hobi who was warmest became cold. Though he's not being that rude with us but he seemed pissed off with the employees. So maybe he didn't budge to care about your identity." Namjoon said looking at Hobi who was all zoned out.

" why are you planning to tell all together by the way?" Yoongi asked.

"I don't know. It just sounds fun." Jin replied chuckling. "I feel like I'm in a movie.

"Mr. Kim" the doctor called looking at Namjoon.

"hu-" Jin who was sitting with his head hung low was going to reply but shut his mouth immediately realizing.

"Yes, Iseul?" Namjoon asked standing up.

"Mr. Park and Mr. Jeon is ok now. They're still sleeping but you can see them." Iseul said and Bowed slightly before leaving.

Namjoon opened the door and entered the room And Yoongi and Hobi followed him. Jin was just going to enter when Hobi stopped him.

"Stay out of our matter." Hobi said with a cold voice.

"Let him come in." Yoongi said.

"But he's a stranger." Hobi said trying to explain.

"He isn't, let him come." Namjoon also said.

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