Jungkook slowly walked to the boy on the hospital bed. His body screaming in pain, first he wasn't feeling all the pain because his body was numb but now as the time passes, his body started paining awful, feeling burning sensation, where his skin was torn, whenever his shirt caress the wound.

With extreme difficulty he sat on the stool beside his bed and hissed in pain at the stretching of his wounds.

His eyes then landed on the lifeless boy, who looked paled. His snow-white rosy skin was visibly paler and his beautiful pink lips were chapped. There were dark circles under his eyes, and he looked weak as if he wasn't eating well. His mind screamed that he's responsible for him condition.

He couldn't bear to see him like this. He can't imagine how much he's in pain. The scene of tae hugging him and took the lashes racked his mind as his throat clogged up. He did so wrong to him, yet the boy was there in front of him like a shield. And because of him, he was shot and is here on the death bed.

The dread that his body was feeling while looking at his unconscious form is heart wrenching. Is this love? Is this how he felt in those five months when he was in coma? And when his wishes finally got heard as he woke up, only to break his heart into millions of pieces.

Just the mere thought of loosing him was a slow poison, then how in the world this precious boy tolerated his poisons that he throw his way when he lost his memory.

He killed him every second, every minute from the time he woke up from the coma. He's a monster!

Tae is far too pure and innocent for a corrupted man like him. He's a gem, and he's a stone! There's no match. Tae's the beautiful flower, and he's the malicious thorn.

His hand on their own, hold his soft small hand as he placed it closer to his lips and kissed softly at the back of his hand as if he's a doll. A mere touch will break him.

"I'm s-sorry." He croaked out. His voice thick with emotions as he holds his hand close to his face.

"Please wake up my precious." He spoke so softly as he kissed his soft, small hand.

"I cannot bear to lose you. Wake up and scold me, beat me or kill me for my sins but please wake up, don't do this to me." His voice thick with emotions as his eyes moistened up. He continued to kiss his hand when his hand moved a little and his eyes widened.

The boy groaned in his sleep as he felt severe pain radiating off of his lower back. And burning pain on his upper back in particular lining patterns. He tried to stir and his hand was about to move towards the painful area, when felt his hand en clasped in a large hand

His eyes fluttered opened slowly as he stared at the white ceiling ahead. He blinked once and then twice to adjust his sight. He again tried to move his hand but when he felt restrained, he turned slowly and his eyes met his green ones.

His eyes narrowed a little, and then he blinked when all the recent scenarios invaded his senses.

He's alive!

His eyes were holding such emotions that felt almost foreign to him. He maintained his neutral face with much difficulty. His eyes looked at his hand which he was holding, only to realize that a drip was attached to it.

Tae slowly got his hand out of his hold, and he let him. He tried to move and a painful hiss escaped his lips.

Jungkook abruptly stood up from the stool as he hovered over and adjusted the cushions behind his head. He didn't say a word as he looked down.

Jungkook then take a hold of his hand in his large ones as he kissed his hand. He tried to get his hand free, but he didn't let him. Tae's eyes not once met his. He tried his best to avoid glancing his way.

His eyes! They were speaking so much more louder than words could speak.

"You scared me." He spoke. His voice almost croaked and broken. He didn't utter a word as his eyes slowly looked at his bloody shirt through his eyelashes. He hasn't treated his wounds yet.

On cue Jimin came in followed by another doctor as he grinned at Taehyung who gave back a soft fake smile.

"How are you feeling?" Jimin asked him softly.

Taehyung looked away from Jimin as he stared at the wall on the side. "Ecstatic." He replied shortly with utter seriousness making Jimin to roll his eyes as the other doctor laughed and a small curve at corner of the lips can be noticed on Jungkook's face.

The doctor came forward. "I'll do a quick checkup, alright." Doctor informed professionally as the boy nodded slightly.

He checked his vitals and stuff, but then he softly pocked at his right foot and got no reaction from him. Three of the men shared concerned looks and next second Jimin knocked at his left knee and no response.

The look on their faces was priceless. Jungkook tensed when doctor hit a small rod like thing on his leg, and he didn't flinch.

"I'm sorry." Doctor spoke sadly and Taehyung saw a concerned plus sad look on Jimin's face but Jungkook's face was ashen as if his life was suck out of him as tae saw moisture in his eyes and looked away.

Maybe it's enough!

"Why are you sorry doctor?" He asked with serious face making the doctor to look at Jimin and Jungkook for help.

"It nothing, you need to rest." Jimin spoke as Jungkook was still numb to form a word.

"You're right but my feet," He hesitated while moving his toes and the doctor gasped. "Felt swollen." He finished.

"Tae move your legs." Jimin spoke with wide eyes almost impatiently and Taehyung did move them a little but hissed in pain, and then he wiggled his toes and a grin spread on Jimin's face.

"You fucking scared the shit out of us! Why in the world you didn't react when we checked your legs?" He asked exasperatingly making him look down sheepishly.

"You never asked." He stated matter of factly, earning 'are you fucking serious' look from both doctor and Jimin.


"Lets prepare for the tests." Jimin said to the doctor as they both headed out of the door not before Jimin giving a warning look to Jungkook.

When they were finally out Jungkook glared at him but his face lost all the emotions at once as he looked straight at the door.

Jungkook saw his expressions changing to emotionless, and he knew he did that calm and natural act for Jimin. He also realized, he did that act of legs not working, just to scare them and him particularly, which really stopped his heart for a second.

"You shouldn't have saved me from those whips. Your back will be scarred because of me. Because of me he shot you." He spoke so brokenly that he had to clench his fist and bite in his cheek to not let any emotion out on his face.

"These scars are nothing compared to the ones that are inflicted on my soul by the one that meant my life." He spoke motionlessly.

Jungkook felt his heart beating erratically at his words but what caught his guilt to intensify was he called him as his life.

"I'm your sinner." He spoke with such despair that he blinked his eyes to control himself.

"You are." He confirmed, not looking at him. His heart was wailing in despair.

"I can't live with this guilt. It's killing me. I know I don't deserve your forgiveness but please forgive me Tae. I'll do anything to get your forgiveness." He begged, a tear rolled down his eye, but he kept on staring ahead.

"Will you let yourself get rapped?" His voice echoed in the room.

"Do not think of my love as my weakness. I may love you but that won't make me forgive you. I wanted to see you suffer for what you did to me, but I was unable to see you in pain because I love you. If you're in pain, so am I and this is how it'll ever be. Suffering for us both. The end!

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