Chapter 6.

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"You!", Bella shouted as I entered the room to meet Rosalia's parents, "What are you doing here".

"Hello Bella, Nice to see you too", I said, Slightly cringing with how loud she was. I could see Rosalia and Alice cringe too from the corner of my eye.

"You know her?", Asked Rosalia, A little confused. "Yep. Meet her when I first cane here, She's Jacob's friend", I explained. "But I thought they were dating with how they act but guess not", I continued, Eyeing Bella and Edward holding hands.

"Yo-you, Why would you think that? Me and Jake are just friends", Bella said a little flustered.

"Look girl, I said what I saw. Plus its not like I know you and your dating history. How would I know who's your boyfriend and who's not?",  I said already done with her. I looked around the room to find Doctor and Mrs Cullen. I found them,

"Hellooo! It's so nice to finally meet you doctor and Mrs Cullen. I've heard soo many things about you from your children's and it really made me wonder you would be like. But now I can say, They were very much right", I said skipping to them and holding Mrs Cullen's hand. Who knows maybe praising may earn some good points.

They both laughed. "Oh please dear, You flatter me. I've heard much about you too and you certainly live up to the expectation. But please Call me esme, Sweetie", Mrs Cullen.

"Oh no I surely can't. That's very disrespectful from what I was taught", I said.

"It's fine dear. How about call us just something else? Also if you would, Call me Carlisle", Doctor Cullen said.

"Doctor Cullen! Not gonna lie I've heard so much about you, All awesome of course. You're so cool, especially with how much lives you save and treat people, I thought it was soo awesome and I truly wanted to meet you. I hope you can give me some advice about becoming a doctor and how it goes because I'm thinking of taking down that career path", I said, Truly wondering. I was really finding a doctor that I could take advice from and doctor Cullen was right there so why not?

"Hmm, That's interesting. Well being a doctor is a-", And that was the start of our very interesting conversation.

"Here you go, sweetie",Said Mrs Cullen as she served me a grilled sandwich. We were right now sitting on the Cullen's kitchen counter, with doctor Cullen beside me, Giving me advice and telling me more about the medicine industry. And Mrs Cullen cooking food for me.

"Thank you, Mrs cullen", I said, Grinning up to her and taking a bite out of the sandwich. "Wow. It's soo good Mrs Cullen. You gotta teach me how to make it one day".

She giggled, "We thank you sweetie, Of course I will. Whenever you're free, just come on here and we'll cook together", She offered. "Totally", I replied with shining eyes.

"Andd you can also visit me at my hospital. I can take you around and show you how its done? If you're free of course", Doctor Cullen also offered.

"Hell yeah!", I said. "I'll totally come". "Good", Doctor Cullen said as the Cullen laughed at me. I pouted, No fair.

"What do you do Mrs Cullen?", I asked her, curiously.

"Oh I'm an architect. I enjoy restoring old houses and designing them so why not make it a career?", She laughed.

"Really!?", I asked with shining eyes. "Do you need a assistant?".

"Hmm, I'm not sure yet", She said, taping her chin. "How about you send me your resume and I'll let you know if you can come for a interview or not?", She said, After thinking hard.

"Yes!! Yes. Wait tho I don't have your number?", I remembered. "No worries, Here", She said she she out her number in and then doctor Cullen did the same.

I took the phone with shining eyes and looked at them both as if they were my idol's. I was soo happy.

Just as we were about to talk more, We were cut off my another voice,

"Oh come on now. It's our friend. You've been talking for 3 hours now, When will we get our friend back?", Whined Rosalia. I grinned sheepishly, I totally forget about them.

"Rosalia!", I said with mock inthuism. "Of course not, Come on, Come on. Let's hang out", I said grabbing Rosalia's arm and dragging her. I gave Doctor & Mrs Cullen a wide eyed look before dragging Rosalia more.

Doctor & Mrs Cullen both heard, "where's Alice!?", and then a thud. They both looked at each other and laughed, Glad to have a person that makes their children acts like children's.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2023 ⏰

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