"The group's sunshine" was an understatement, he was radiating the most beautiful energy just through his expression. He must be used to things like this. It hurt your heart to even think such a thing so you put it to the back of your mind.

An announcement rang through the speakers, it was time for your flight to board. People around you quickly started standing up to get on the plane. You waited a second, looking at the staff for approval. They started moving towards the plane as well so that was your queue. The familiar manager came to your side, whispering for you to go ahead. He also mentioned something about the guys going on last for safety purposes or something.

You weren't in first class, which you didn't expect but still that would've been sick, oh well. You found your window seat, put your headphones in and clicked on a downloaded playlist. Egg was by your feet, already asleep. Once the plane was fully boarded, you popped a headphone out to hear any announcements. After the flight attendants finished you decided to close your eyes as well.

When you woke up the sun was setting out the window. You must have been really tired because when you looked at the clock it had been 6 hours!? The first thing you did was check on Egg. He was stretched out all cute, still sleeping. That cat had you beat at nap time, you giggled to yourself. One of your seatmates was busy watching a movie and the other was typing away at their computer.

There was still another 7 hours until you arrived so you ordered some food and decided it was movie time for you as well. You picked the Parry Hotter series, which would last for quite a few hours.

While you watched, you ate then decided to draw a little bit in your sketchbook. It had been a while since it was last used but you always had a love for art even if you weren't the greatest at it. People always said you were good but you didn't see it.

One of your favorite things to sketch were eyes so you filled the page with different styles of them. When you finished that, you doodled some other random things then finally focused back on the movies. You started on the third movie when a voice came over the speaker announcing the plane had an hour left before landing. Thank god. Even though you kept yourself occupied, your whole body was stiff. You couldn't wait to get out of here.

Once the time came, everyone made their way out of the plane. You passed by the empty first class section, remembering you had to meet manager O to find out where to go. Luckily he was waiting for you already. You took Egg to the relief area and gave him a treat for being so good.

After that you were taken to a car outside and manager O rode with you this time. When you got on the road he began talking, "I know you still don't know much, but we really need your help. I'm sure the boys will want to be the ones to explain but I can tell they like you. I've managed them for a long time and no one has lasted long in this contract. We are all putting a lot of faith in you." You took a loud gulp, no pressure at all right? The only thing you could do was nod in response. The rest of the ride was met with a deafening silence.

Your things were brought to your room by the staff as soon as you got there. They left as fast as they arrived, saying goodbye to the guys who had already started unpacking by the time you arrived. You brought Egg in yourself and were surprised to see food and a litter box ready for him. There was a gift bag of toys too which you would look through later. The staff really thought of everything.

The boys' dorm was interesting, very much occupied by men. Jungwon was in charge of your tour. First showing you where the bathroom was, then the living room and kitchen. He told you a little story with each stop. Man he was adorable.

By the time he showed you everything, the other guys had settled in the living room. Ni-ki and Heeseung were playing a game on the tv and the rest were either on their phone or watching intently. You noticed the lack of furniture, making the place seem very minimalistic. Although it didn't seem to be on purpose.

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