" Me and Ashley are having problems. " Tammy confessed. " I don't know if he's interested anymore. "

" Well, why do you say that? "

" He doesn't walk me home or even to the door now. Matter of fact, he doesn't open the door for me anywhere. "

" That's too bad. "
" I thought he'd be different. "

She leaned on your shoulder and you rubbed her back, nodding intently.
" That's why I don't bother with boys. I feel like there's only disappointment. "

" That's easy for you to say, " She rebutted. " You don't do anything - Your hair, makeup, and you have men lining up to take you out. "

You rolled your eyes. " It's one man. And trust me, I'd send him your way If I could. I don't fancy him one bit. "

It seemed like you went too against the consensus with that notion, as everyone's face dropped into one of either shock, or this disappointing mix of confusion and anger.

" Why? "

" Why? Hmm.. He hasn't talked to me since highschool, but he's talking to my dad about marrying me. "

" Is that so bad? "

" You all just don't get it. It's about being interested. When there's no interest in an endeavor, you feel trapped. "

" A man like that makes you feel trapped, because he knows how to control, order and get things done. You'll get used to it. "

" What? "

That one came from Tammy. All you did was take your hand away from her back. " I'm not looking for a fling or a husband. And lets just say, even if I was, it just wouldn't be Lee. Why don't you try dating him? "

" I did. " Her voice was small, laced with insecurity. " He told me he wasn't interested. "

" See, atleast you stopped after you heard no... Besides, I think you're vibrant, Tammy, So let's stop worrying about him. "


After that talk at the sleep-over, you swore to refrain from bringing that devil up around them again. It was almost frightening how quick they all almost turned on you just because he was cordial or poised when he ran your sanity to the ground.

Trying to take your mind away from it all, you walked down the street and stared at the T.V.s playing in the window. The news was always quite grim these days, and you just hoped you wouldn't begin rationing food like they forced everyone to when you were all very young.

You kept watching the anchor's mouth move, forming words and syllables with no great rush. It made you wonder. One day, you wanted to buy a T.V. just like that for your own house instead of having to beg Dad to let you look at it for an hour.

The city was actually very welcoming to walk around. You had your fair share of hair shapers, boutiques, clothing and entertainment stores alike. They also sent piles and piles of catalogs to your mother, somehow knowing how impulsive she was. She just couldn't help herself! You laughed and thought about all of the clothes she pray for you take from her, because they don't fit and she bought them on whim.

Thinking about your mother and all those good times made you immediately want to go back home and talk a little. Thankfully, all it took was a brisk 12 minute walk, and you were right back in the neighborhood. The October breeze felt especially nice in your coat. You felt quite lucky to be placed so innocently close to not only a few good friends, but the downtown area as well.

" Hey there. " When you took off your coat, you located your mother in her evening wear, reading a book at the table.

" Hi, sweetie. Out on the town? "

" Yes. I was looking at the news. It's getting really bad out there, it seems. " The seat next to her was taken by your father, so you sat across.

" Oh, don't look at it like that. I think this time things'll be different. We don't get so involved anymore. "

" I hope so. I'm not interested in learning any new languages. "

She laughed. " Oh - You've got another letter. Popular, aren't you? Here you go. "

Your face dropped. Who could it have been? It was obviously him. You were free for only about two hours, but things were all about Lee again. Unsurprising.

" What's wrong? "

" I don't like him sending letters. "

" He could always come- "

" I don't like him. He's not the sort of person I want to be around, but he just won't stop. You both wont stop, either.

I'm going up to my room. Goodnight. "

When You're Young And In Love | Yandere!Male x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now