The Lighthouse (KimPete) *1

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The lighthouse is situated between the sea and mountain. The ocean's waves are breaking over the rocks.

Full of happy and sad memories of two friends.

Kim always visits it every afternoon when the sun goes down, when it rains, when the fog fills it.

He never stopped visiting it from the first day. It doesn't matter how busy he is, he'll always be here for at least a few moments.

Today he's here again at the top of it when the sun is about to set at the edge of the endless sea. Looking at the view.

And every time his eyes are filled with tears and no one is here to wipe it away.

The cold wind is calming him down.

After the sunset Kim slowly walked to his home. His house is not so far from here.


He is a volunteer teacher in a primary school and works in a bar and also sings songs.

It's not that he doesn't have the capability to work in an office.

He has a higher education degree but he's not interested in work between those piles of files and computers.

He's married and has a 5 year old sweet boy named Jr. Pete. Kim named him after his best friend. But he now lives with his mother Fean.

Kim and Fean got married 7 years ago. But time passes their relationship turning bitter.

Fean loved Kim but somehow Kim couldn't keep up with that. There was a lack of care from Kim's side.

They tried their best to stay together but it didn't work.

It doesn't mean that Kim doesn't love his son. For Kim, Jr. is the apple pie of his eyes.

Jr. and his mother live not so far from Kim's house. 10 minutes Walking distance.

Jr. comes to stay with Kim for only 2 days every week. And Kim meets with him every evening after visiting the lighthouse.

Fean allows them to meet for an hour.

Kim's life has been going like this for the last 3 years.

But he doesn't want to change it.

He knows what his heart wants but he can't get that.


Then Kim went to meet his son who was waiting for him eagerly. After spending some time with Jr. Kim bid him goodbye with a kiss in his forehead.

Kim was moving towards his house but he's not in the mood now. He brought some sandwiches and drinks from a vendor to fill his empty tummy.

He ate up leisurely again walking by the side of the seashore. Tomorrow is his day off so he doesn't want to get back home yet.

He didn't realize when he reached that point again. He sighed heavily.

Suddenly his eyes caught a light spark. Maybe someone is up there. No one comes to this abandoned place rather than him.

Kim runs towards it. He climbed the stairs in one breathe. He almost collapsed. He caught some air.

He looks around. A figure comes visible in his eyes. Someone is standing here. The figure turned around to him when the other realized his apparence.

His eyes locked at him. They kept looking until The other smiles a little.

"Hi... Kimhan.."

Kim's breathing is still not steady. He slowly steps a bit forward and then touched the other's face with his hands.

"It's... It's really... You Pete!"

"Yeah... It's me.."

Pete smiles again. Kim pulled him into a hug. Pete's slim figure got Kim's hands firm grip.

Pete is speechless but he also hugged back his friend.

They stayed like this for awhile.

"I'm so happy to see you again Pete..."

"Yeah.. me too."

"When did you arrive? And what about aunt?"

"A few hours ago. I'm gonna spend some time here."

"Good... So what do you do in Bangkok?"

"I'm a fashion designer... What about you? How's Fean and your son?"

Kim paused for a moment.

"We.. separated. It's been 3 years. But she's doing well. And Jr. is also good."

Pete is in disbelief. He didn't dare to say anything back.

Again silence.

"I'm really happy that you're back. I thought... I won't get to see you again."


"You know... The last time we met..."

They both look into each other's eyes.


It was 7 years ago.


The clouds are gray dark. It's raining. Pete is standing at top of the lighthouse by the reeling. His tears are not visible because of raindrops.

Kim comes from behind and hugged from back.

"Pete!!! You're here. I've been looking for you.. don't stay here you'll catch a cold."

"I'm fine Kim. Let me stay a bit."

"Fine.. but dude I've important things to tell you."

Pete turns to him.

"You and Fean are getting married. Right?"

"Yeah... I didn't know that my parents are arranging it. You knew?"

"Yeah.. I'm happy for you Kim..."

"But I'm not happy! You're bad."


"Aunt said you guys are leaving! Why? Why can't you stay here with me?"

"Kim I want to have my own carrier. That's why I'm leaving."

"Ok fine but at least stay until my wedding. I'll be lonely without you."

"I can't..."

"But why? Is there anything wrong? Or I did something wrong?"

"No it's not you... It's me..."

"Pete... You're crying... What's wrong?"

Kim cupped his face. He caresses the soft cheeks but Pete steps back.

"Don't care about me Kim... Please... I beg you..."

"Pete... What are you saying?!..."


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