76, Taehyung shock

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Author:( y/n came to reality and pushed her hands back and turned back facing taehyung)

Y/n: a,,are you m,,,mad w,,wear c,,,clothes ( said back facing him )

Taehyung: you were interested seeing this right so see ( said calmly)

Y/n: are you mad what your wife will think

Taehyung: she will think nothing

Y/n: you are cheating your wife

Taehyung: no i am not

Y/n: then why are you naked infront of me

Taehyung: then are not you cheating on your husband

Y/n: i am not and I don't have husband

Taehyung: i,,,i mean your future husband

Y/n: no i am not cheating

Taehyung: seeing other man's naked is not it cheating

Y/n: i am just seeing there is nothing in that

Taehyung: is that so if you're husband feels bad knowing this then

Y/n: who will tell him

Taehyung: me

Y/n: no you will not

Taehyung: i will tell him

Y/n: i will not marry anyone

Taehyung: hmm?

Y/n: i am not interested in marriage and all that stuffs

Taehyung: hmm ?? ( Shock)

Taehyung: maybe in future you marry someone

Y/n: i will not

Author:( y/n opened room door and went out of room fastly as taehyung was still shirtless )

Taehyung: i should do something or else my babyheart will be out of my hands ( thinking )



Author:( in this 4 days y/n ignored taehyung and taehyung was angry but as he love her he don't force her ,she ignored him and he was feeling hurted every night he used to go in her room and talk with her sleeping face and y/n used to wait for him to come she used to sleep just act as she is sleeping ,now it was 10:00 at night and taehyung still don't came from office y/n was worried ,she was sitting on couch in hall and there were not maid and guards as she said them to go ,she was waiting for taehyung )

Y/n: taehyung come fast ( worried about him and talking to herself)

Author:( soon main door opens and there taehyung was coming but his right hand was bandaged ,y/n runs towards him and hold his lift hand asking what happened)

Y/n: what happened taehyung ? Are you ok ? How did you get this ? ( Said being worried)

Taehyung: why you don't sleep ( asked coldly)

Y/n: i was waiting for you ( said with tears in her eyes as taehyung got hurt )

Taehyung: you should sleep if not then it will effect your health ( said coldly while going upstairs )

Y/n: what about you ? ( said making taehyung stop near stairs )

Taehyung: i am ok ( said and started going )

Y/n: how you got hurt ??

Taehyung: it's non of you business ( said while going upstairs)


Author:( he turned and was shock how she knows that he is her husband ,he took his small steps towards y/n and stands infront of her )

Taehyung: w,,what ar,,( cut off by y/n)

Y/n: you can hide this but I am also kim y/n Mr kim taehyung

Taehyung: h,,how d,,,do yy,,you k,,now t,,this ( said with some tears in his eyes )

Y/n: this locket ,your eyes ,your voice ,your excuses, you visiting my room before sleeping and talking with me i know all kim

Taehyung: sorry I hided this from you , doctor,,,,s, ( cut off by y/n)

Y/n: i know you have reason but you should have one's said me ( tears in eyes)

Taehyung: s,,,sorry I am r,,really s,,sorry ( said while crying and hugged y/n tightly)

Y/n: I lost my memories it doesn't mean that I will not accept you as my husband ,who will not accept you is fool ( said while crying and hugging him )

Taehyung: s,,sorry n,,now I w,,will not h,,hide a,anything f,,from you ( said while hugging her more tightly )

Y/n: good for you ,i would have not cried if you would have said before

Taehyung: cried?? ( broked hug being confused)

Y/n: i love you but when I got to know that you are married I was broken ( said while pouting )

Taehyung: i am sorry I hided this for your health

Y/n: hmm how idiot I am that I was asking to meet your wife ( smile)

Taehyung: hmm you wanted to meet my wife right

Y/n: hmm ?

Taehyung: come I will show you my wife ( said while holding her hands)

Author:( taehyung holds y/n hands and took her with him upstairs towards his room he opened the room and then took her near mirror ,that mirror was big and he backhugged her saying)

Taehyung: see my wife ( said while showing herself in mirror )

Y/n: ( blushed)

Taehyung: why are you blushing wifey ( with a smile )

Y/n: leave me and say how you got hurt

Taehyung: i will not leave you ,and this hurt I got while fighting with my enemy

Y/n: you should be careful

Taehyung: i will be

Y/n: finally I got a handsome man

Taehyung: ( smiled )

Y/n: finally you are mine mr kim taehyung

Taehyung: i was yours only Mrs Kim taehyung

Y/n: ( blushed )

Y/n: did you ate dinner

Taehyung: yes you

Y/n: me too

Taehyung: then let's sleep

Y/n: yes if you will leave me then only I will go right

Taehyung : where ??( back hug broked )

Y/n: to my room

Taehyung: but not it is clear that you are my wife then we can sleep in one room

Y/n: no i will not sleep with you

Taehyung: why ??

Y/n: causes you hided this from me so now it is your punishment sleep alone

Taehyung: what ??? ( Shock )

Y/n: yess bye good night ( smiled and went from there )

Taehyung; ahhh Mrs Kim taehyung

* Your hate is also love for me *---💜---

( Word count; 1077)

See you all soon 🥰💜🥰💜🥰💜🥰💜🥰💜🥰💜🥰💜🥰💜🥰💜🥰💜🥰💜🥰💜🥰💜🥰💜🥰💜🥰💜🥰🔜

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