69, Y/n trust broken 💔

911 19 5

Y/n: i a,,,am ok y,,you n,,need not to worry ( said calmly)

Taehyung: sorry because of me you got hurt ( said softly)

Y/n: it's ok but why you were angry on him as he was proposing me not you ( confused)

Taehyung: ( silent )

Y/n: answer me

Taehyung: t,,,that I d,,,don't like a,,anyone p,,proposing a,,anyone in m,,my u,,,university ( said while stuttering)

Y/n: hmm ?

Taehyung: you leave it, let's go home you need to take rest ( said while lifting her in bride style)

Y/n: what no no ,i just got some hurt not much ,i am ok now ( said to taehyung )

Taehyung: no now you need to rest ( said while taking her out of University )

Y/n: everyone are seeing us ( y/n noticed everyone eyes on them )

Taehyung: i don't care

Y/n: but I care

Author:( everyone eyes were on y/n and taehyung, some where shock and some where jealous ,soon they reached near car and taehyung made y/n sit and he also sat and driver started driving )


Author:( soon they reached and taehyung again took y/n in bride style and started going inside everyone bowed at them and there were having no reaction as they know y/n is taehyung wife ,soon they reached in y/n room taehyung made y/n lay on bed )

Y/n: all were seeing us

Taehyung: i don't care of that

Y/n: but I care

Taehyung: you take rest ok

Y/n: but ,,( cut off by taehyung)

Taehyung; no buts ( said and went out of room )



Author:( it was night taehyung and y/n completed there dinner and now y/n was sleeping and as always taehyung came in her room and sat beside her while holding her hands Hands as y/n is heavy sleeper so she don't move )

Taehyung: love only 4 months are there for our marriage anniversary please before that become my old y/n i miss you my angel I will try my best to get you back my babykim love you good night sweet dreams

Author:( taehyung said and went out of her room )


Author: ( like this day's pasted week pasted and y/n was busy with her studies as she missed her studies she practiced alll she learnt all as she joined late only two months were left for exams when she joined and now exams started taehyung also not stopped her but took too much care like giving her milk before sleeping and giving her medicines even taking care of her things as she forgets sometimes pencil or pen when she reaches University then she used to remember so he used to send by someone or give by himself ,few days pasted and now her exams finished and now her summer vacations started and after vacations she will study 2 more years then she will be graduated )

Author:( taehyung was having important meeting so he went office ,y/n was sitting in hall and watching movie a guest movie but her popcorn 🍿 were finished so she paushed that TV and went to kitchen when she was about to enter in kitchen she heard two maids talking something so she stopped there and hided there in one Conner and started hearing )

Maid 1: Mrs kim really changed mister ( smiled)

Maid 2: yes love can do anything ( smiled back)

Maid 1: if Mrs Kim was not in his life then we don't know till now how many people he would have killed

Maid 2: till now Mrs Kim is only controlling mister anger or else till now heaven and hell was filled

Maid 1: yes your right ( said while smiling)

Maid 2: finally he is silent because of his wife

Maid 1: yes because that till now this world is safe or else till now tsunami or earthquake would have destroyed this world

Maid 2 : soo true

Maid 1: mister enemies are not facing him as they know mafia king is in control but he can lose his control any time

Maid 2: yes he can change his mind anything and Mrs Kim is also not well so who will control mister anger

Maid 1: he is being silent as he don't want to do anything but he can lose his control and Mrs Kim also can not stop him as she is not well

Maid 2: it's mafia king's mind anytime it can change

Maid 1: i wish Mrs Kim get well soon ( said with sad face)

Maid 2: yes ( sad too )


Y/n pov: he changed ? Who is Mrs Kim ? And mafia king h,,he is mafia king he don't said to me how can he hide this from me and Mrs Kim means his wife he hided this also from me ,,, how can he do that I started trusting him but he is broking my trust again how can he do that )

Author: ( taehyung hided this from y/n that he is mafia king and he even hided that he is married because of this y/n was Angry on him not only angry but super angry she started trusting him but again she got a shock )

Author:( y/n was in so angry that she started going out of mansion guards asked where she is going but she don't answered and she was very angry, she sat in car and said to driver to take her somewhere )

I don't know where let's see what happens


Anyone will get angry if they will know at whom he or she trusting they are hiding something from her not small but big

If you are in her place you will also be angry

just imagine your closest best friend hided something from you and you got to know from someone else will you not be angry on her ? You will be as you trusted her ,you trusted that she will not hide anything from you but she hided ?

Not only with friends but with lover also if in place of friend your lover , your love said lie then you will feel broken as you trusted them but they don't said anything

Even I have anger because of my anger I left my friend closest friend

That same anger y/n is having

* Anger can't solve any problem in place of that it builds more problems *---💜---

Written by me ⬆️

( Word count:1134)

See you all soon 🥰💜🥰💜🥰💜🥰💜🥰💜🥰💜🥰💜🥰💜🥰💜🥰💜🥰💜🥰💜 🥰💜🥰💜🥰💜🥰💜🥰💜🥰💜🥰💜🥰💜🥰💜🥰💜

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