I Know Who You Pretend I Am

Start from the beginning

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POV Change (Y/N)

Did Kinger just call me Queenie again? He's been doing this a lot, but I don't correct him because I haven't been thinking anything of it.

Whatever, i'm sure he's just tired and doesn't know what he's saying.

Kinger walks out of the room and I follow him, reading the paper as we walk to where everybody is talking, kind of doing their own thing because Caine isn't here.

I walk over to Pomni and tap her on the shoulder.

"Hey, look what I found!" I grin, and hand her the paper. We both squeal after she reads it as teenage girls would because this is a topic we're both obsessed about.

"You found this in Kaufmo's room?" She questions after we're both done.

"Yeah! The door was unlocked for someone to just go in as they please. You should check it out some time." I suggest, and she nods.

"Well, here you go. I promised Ragatha i'd go and hang out with her today because Caine doesn't have any adventures for us. See you later!" She tells me and hands the paper back, walking off.

"Oh! Well uh, okay. Bye!" I watch her walk off and look back at the paper. Suddenly, I feel a hand being placed on my shoulder.

"Hey, Queenie! Want to go and hang out at the digital carnival like we used to?" Kinger asks, waiting patiently for my answer.

Okay, now I know he's actually serious about this..

"..I'm not Queenie, Kinger." I turn to face him and look him in the eyes. As soon as I tell him this, his eyes widen as if he had a huge moment of realization.

"You're.. just a bit confused today! Your name is Queenie!" Kinger says with a shaky voice, stepping back a bit and clenching his fists.

"Calm down, Kinger. I'm Y/N, not Queenie." I say, genuinely concerned as I grab his hand and squeeze it gently.

Kinger shakes my hand off and speeds away. I'm assuming he's went to his pillow fort. That's where he is 90% of the time.

I chuckle a bit at the thought but shake my head and become serious again. This isn't a laughing matter. He actually thinks i'm Queenie.

I run after him and my suspicions are correct. He shut himself up in his little fortress as he calls it. Not sure if he's ready for me to come in, I sit on the outside of the fort and begin talking.

"Hey, Kinger, it's me, Y/N. Are you okay?"

"Go away!" He shouts, and by his voice I can tell he's trying not to cry.

I sigh and crawl in. Kinger's facing the other way, his knees hugged to his chest. Kind of reminds me of the time I was super emotional and did that.

I scooch over to him and hug him from behind. He freezes from my touch, but lets it happen.

I'm not a very good comforter. I'm just doing what Ragatha taught me.

"Er.. You can let it out if you wanna." I murmur, and neither of us have broken the hug yet.

Kinger is silent, probably debating if he should or shouldn't. But ultimately, I hear him start sobbing and it turns into painful cries. Painful on my part because it makes me sad to hear him like this.

This continues for an hour or so. His cries subside into occasional sniffing before he's completely silent. I glance over his shoulder to see if he's asleep and behold, he is! I haven't even realized i've been hugging him this whole time.

Crap, he's falling backwards!! A-

Kinger actually starts leaning backwards since he's asleep. It causes both of us to fall back. I freeze, hoping I didn't wake him. I wait a minute before trying to carefully push him off of me. It's no use since he's pretty heavy. I sigh, probably for like the 1,000th time today and accept my fate, laying on my back and staring at the pillows above me, listening to Kinger's rather LOUD snoring before falling asleep myself.

Heya! So I was reading all of the comments from every chapter and I noticed one in particular that said they'd like to see more scenes of Kinger mentioning Queenie. I just thought i'd turn it into a very angsty chapter! Unfortunately, I can't remember names well and am too lazy to search for it. But i'm sure they'll comment down. Hope you enjoyed the fluffy parts of this chapter!

Comment, follow and like if you can!

ALSO.. APPARENTLY I'M #3 FOR #theamazingdigitalcircus AND #1 FOR #digitalcircus ??? THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!! 🎉🎉

As a reward, more very angsty and wholesome AND dramatic chapters are in the making!

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