10 | Lovely

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"Give me one of those" Hazel tells Violet as she walked out into the front porch.

"What?" Violet asks, taking a drag from her cigarette.

"A cigarette" Hazel states. Violet looks puzzled, but hands her one anyway.

"You've never smoked, Hazel" Violet recalls as Hazel leans forward and she lights the stick.

"I am now" Hazel replies. Violet simply nods. Hazel inhales the smoke, trying to feel anything besides the fear that the night before had given her.

A bush rustled beside the porch, making Hazel quickly turn her head. She was greeted by Tate.

"Since when are you smoking?" Tate asks with a playful smirk, sitting on the front porch railway beside her.

"That's what I said" Violet mumbles.

"Since today, Tate" Hazel says, looking over to the boy, receiving a nod in return.

Tate was staring at her, more specifically the cut that lined more than half her right cheek. She moved her hand to cover it, leaning her elbow down on her leg.

"You doing okay?" Tate asks, subtly reaching for Hazel's free hand. Hazel nods, lacing her fingers with his. "I can tell you're lying"

"She'll never tell you if somethings wrong" Violet remarks to the blonde.

Tate looks at Hazel's face. Footsteps make there way to the door. Tate gets up, bringing Hazel with him. They lean up against the pole nearing the corner of the house as Ben walks out.

Hazel suddenly noticed the minimal space between her and Tate, his hands had moved to her sides, holding her in place. She kept her hand over her cut.

Tate used one of his hands to gently remove it. "I still think you're beautiful" He says, a smile appearing on his features. She could feel his breath on her face from how close they were

Hazel felt a blush rush over her entire face. "It's gonna scar"

Tate shrugged. "At least it won't have stitches"

Hazel nods, wrapping her arms around the boys shoulders, resting her head into his chest. Tate's arms made a safe barrier around her sides.

"Mom is taking me and Violet to look at a new apartment today. She wants us to move out of here" Hazel says into his chest.

"Move out?" Tate says, a sudden urgency toning his words. Hazel nods.

"I don't want to leave you, Tate" Hazel says as her eyes begin to well up. Hazel had gotten attached to Tate in ways she couldn't explain. And moving across town would split them.

Tate presses a gentle kiss to the top of her head. "I'll find a way to stay with you, promise" He says.


Hazel had just gotten home from viewing the apartment. If you could call it that. Fitting four people into that small of a space? That might be the last straw for the family.

Tate was asleep on her bed. She smiled at the boy, walking over to her desk, picking up her book and sitting on her chair.

She read for about fifteen minutes before the boy started moving. His eyes finally flickered open, smiling when he saw the girl.

"You could've woke me up" Tate says as he sits up.

"Figured you needed the sleep" Hazel replies, closing her book and fixating her gaze on him.

"How'd the apartment look?" Tate asks, scooching closer to the end of the bed. Closer to Hazel.

"I don't think we're gonna buy it" Hazel answers. "Way too small"

Tate nods contently. "So I guess we have more time together" He says, in almost a cheery tone. His dimples prominently displayed as he smiled.

Hazel smiled back and nodded. "Why are you still here?"

"Me and my mom got into another fight. Figured you wouldn't mind" Tate shrugs.

"I don't" Hazel states as she stands and walks towards the bed, sitting beside him.

"You know, Hazel, I think you help me more than your father does" Tate says as he holds onto her hand.

Though they held hands alot, Hazel's stomach still shot up with butterflies whenever it happened.

"You think so?" Hazel asks softly.

Tate's voice was just above a whisper as he said "Yeah"

Tate quietly sniffled beside her. She shot her gaze from their interlocked hands to the boys face.

"Tate what's wrong?" Hazel asks, concern washing over her body. She brought her hand to his cheek, wiping tears that had began falling.

"I'm such a fucking crybaby" Tate states, attempting to turn his head away. "It's pathetic"

"I don't think you're pathetic, Tate" Hazel says soothingly as she continues gently stroking his face with her thumb. "What's wrong?"

"Can we lay down?" Tate asks, avoiding the question.

Hazel nods and wraps her arms around his torso. She lays down, taking him with her. Tate's head rested on her chest as she ran her fingers through his hair.

After minutes of silence, Hazel speaks up. "I know what you think of me, Tate"

The boy moved his head so he was looking her in the eyes. "Hm?" He hummed.

"I heard your last session with my father. I was careful to not put my ear to the door" Hazel explains, her hand still laced within the boys blonde locks.

"Oh, God" He groans, sitting up. "You must think I'm a freak"

Hazel scooched closer to him, their thighs touching, Hazel reached for his cheek, turning him to look at her. "No. I don't"

"I think I'm in love with you" Tate says ever so quietly.

"Me too" Hazel replies.

Before she could blink, Tate had leaned forward and pressed his lips against hers. Hazel felt sparks flying as she kissed him back.

She leaned back, her back on the bed and Tate was now on top of her. He was all she could feel. Short kisses were shared between the two, multiple of them. Tate's kisses moved to her cheek, her forehead, her nose, and down to her neck.

"Tell me you love me, Hazel, please" Tate whispered as he latched his lips to her neck. Hazel gasped at the sensation, sending a shiver down her spine.

"I love you, Tate, so much" Hazel says as she laced her hand back in the boys hair as he continued to kiss her neck. He pulled back and looked her in the eyes. He placed on last kiss on her lips before going to the back side of her, spooning her in his comforting warmth.

"Are we like, together now?" Hazel asks with a small chuckle. "I'm new to this"

"I want to be with you, so bad" Tate says, his lips grazing her neck again.

"Then let's be together" Hazel smiles. She could feel Tate's grin.

She sat up and immediately saw herself in her mirror. Specifically a red mark on her neck.

"Tate!" She laughs, jumping off her bed to get a closer look. "Tate is that a fucking hickey?"

Tate follows her to the mirror, taking a quick glance at it. "Whoops" He shrugs.

Hazel playfully smacks his arm. Tate kisses the mark. "At least people will know you're taken"

Hazel smiled.

She felt overjoyed. She had her first boyfriend, the first boy she had liked. She had her first kiss. And apparently, first hickey. Which Hazel wasn't to ecstatic about. She had no idea how she would cover that up.

Though, Hazel thought today was lovely.

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