02 | First

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Hazel woke up at 6 o'clock in the morning on Wednesday morning. The family had gotten all the boxes from the moving van into there respective rooms.

Hazel had only her bed set up and her desk was in her room, though still had nothing in it. She didn't want to go to school yet, she wanted to get her room fully unpacked.

But her mother had already enrolled Hazel and Violet at Westfield High. Groggily, the brunette rose from her bed and started to get ready. She wore a simple shirt and jeans.

While Hazel was doing her makeup, Violet walked in and flopped on Hazel's bed. She was already fully ready, and looked very tired.

"Couldn't sleep?" Hazel asks, focusing on the mascara she was putting on her eyelashes.

"Not for shit" Violet responds. "I've been up since four"

Hazel turns around and looks at her. "Four?" She asks.

Violet nods. She was sprawled out on Hazel's bed, staring at the ceiling. "What time do we have to be there?"

"Seven" Hazel responds, turning back to the mirror.

The sisters old school started at 8:15. This one started at 7:30. Hazel wasn't too happy about this. She was losing an hour of her sleep in time.


Hazel and Violet had only one class together, which was art. The two separated and headed to their classes. Hazel held a map of the school and soon ran into a girl with frizzy red hair and light blue eyes.

"Sorry" Hazel says.

"It's alright. Are you one of the new students starting here?" The red-head asks.

Hazel nods.

"Oh good, I was just on my way to find you" She smiles. "I'm Sofia"

"I'm Hazel" She smiles back. "Why were you looking for me?"

"I'm meant to show you around. Someone else is showing the other new girl. There's two of you starting today" Sofia explains. "Her names Veronica or something like that"

"Violet" Hazel corrects politely. Sofia's face lights up in recognition.

"Yeah, that was it. You know her?" Sofia asks, looking at the girl.

"We're twins" Hazel says.

"Oh, that explains why you're starting on the same day I guess" Sofia shrugs, they continue walking down the hallway.

Hazel was almost amazed at how big the school was. There had to be at least a thousand kids here. Her old school only had about two hundred in the high-school.

"Okay, this is the library" Sofia says, opening a pair of doubled doors, revealing a large room. Many kids were spread around different tables, either working or talking amongst each other.

One of the first things Hazel noticed was a memorial thing near the front. It had pictures of different kids with small things about them written on it.

"It was a school shooting" Sofia says, noticing her staring. "Happened back in the 90's. The kid took a bunch of coke, lit his step-dad on fire, then showed up at the school and just started shooting people" Sofia explains, her joyful tone suddenly gone. "My older brother was one of them"

Hazel felt guilt rush over her. "Oh, I'm sor-" she began to apologize.

"You couldn't have known. It's okay" Sofia says politely, shooting Hazel a smile.

"Did they catch him at least?" Hazel asks.

"Yeah, they got his house and shot him after he reached for another gun. Happened in the Murder House too" Sofia says.

"Murder House?" Hazel asks.

"Oh, I suppose you wouldn't know about it. It's a big house in the downtown area. Built in the 1900's. Lots of bad shit has happened at the house. It's down road 98. Only house in the area that big of size. Rumors say the house possesed him" Sofia explains.

Hazel's body froze. That was her house. "Oh, uh, yeah my family just moved in there" Hazel nods awkwardly.

All color flushed from Sofia's face. "Oh shit" She says. "Jesus, you just moved in and I'm telling you that people were murdered"

Hazel chuckles. "It's okay. I don't believe in ghosts"

Sofia sighs.

"Well, do you think we should keep going?" Sofia asks.


Sometime in the tour they made it back to the main area. Hazel saw Violet, smoking a cigarette. "Hey, Vi!" She calls out from the other side of the room.

Violet looks back and waves, cigarette in hand.

"Is your sister the one smoking?" Sofia asks, glancing at the girls twin.

Hazel nods.

"Leah's gonna get on her ass, if she isn't  already" Sofia says.

"Who's Leah?" Hazel asks, shifting her gaze from Violet to Sofia.

"A coke addict who also happens to run student council. Her and her friends get on everyone's asses about stuff they do at home" Sofia answers.

Hazel hadn't seen it, but Violet had walked up to them. She stood beside Hazel.

Sofia smiles and introduces herself. Violet returns the exchange and turns her attention to Hazel.

"Dude, this total skank tried getting me to eat my cigarette, going on a rant about student council shit" Violet says.

Hazel looks back at Sofia. "Guess she got her"

Sofia nods quickly.

"Did you eat it?" Hazel asks.

"No, I spit in her face and ran" Violet responds smugly. Hazel snorts back a laugh.

"Of course you did, Vi" Hazel smiled.

"Shes not the kinda girl you want to piss off" Sofia says.

"Gathered that from how her bitches pinned me to the ground" Violet says, rubbing the back of her head. "Doesn't feel too good to slam your head into a brick floor"

Hazel shakes her head. "Wouldn't think so"


Later that night, Hazel was in Violet's room and they were listening to music and drawing on her chalkboard.

"No fair you got the chalkboard" Hazel jokes as she doodles.

"Yes it is" Violet says before smiling. "I am a whole 4 and a half minutes older, after all"

Suddenly a scream erupts from down the hall. It was their mom. They run out and find the attic staircase pulled down. The two climb up and find their parents laughing.

Hazel looks in the corner and sees a black suit hanging up. A sex suit. Hazel and Violet start cracking up.

"Why is that here?" Hazel asks through her persistent giggles. Violet put her arm on Hazel's shoulder to support to herself.

"Guess the gay guys had it" Their father chuckles. "I'll throw it out"

"Hey, maybe it's that blonde boys" Violet says, and starts laughing even harder.

Hazel had almost forgot about the boy. Once it registers what her sister is talking about she laughs even harder as well.

Though, deep down in Hazel's heart, she wanted to find out who the boy was.

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