05 | Bitch Fight

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Hazel went to school the next day tired. She had hardly slept after listening to Tate's session. What kind of things was he thinking of doing to his classmates?

Suddenly something clicked in Hazel's mind. What classmates? He said he was homeschooled. Had he lied to her? No, her father had to be talking about his old classmates. He didn't lie to her.

He had dodged most of her questions when they first met. But yesterday, he seemed more open. Possibly because he knew she had heard everything.

Hazel was currently sitting in her history class, done with her work. She had her notebook in her grasp, thinking of what to write down. She felt a need to log everything down.

He either lied about being homeschooled, or he has a serious grudge against his old classmates.

Her eyes wanderer up to the word she had written the day before, after her father Har said it.


Tate didn't seem psychotic from the few conversations she'd had with him. In fact, she almost found herself having a crush on the boy.

His features had looked like they had been sculpted by an artist. His hair perfectly framed his face. Blonde, with slight streaks of brown towards the roots.

And how he listened. She felt so comfortable around him. Hazel felt as though if he was really psychotic, she would've sensed something off about him. But she didn't. Not until now.

But she was almost sure she had simply been overthinking the whole thing. Her father probably just didn't like her daughter having a boy, who happened to be his patient, on her room.

Though, that was a bit hypocritical. In fact, Hazel never would have met the charming blonde if he hadn't had an affair. So really, did he have a right to judge her for her interest in boys?

And even then, they weren't doing anything wrong. Much better thing to walk in on then fucking a student who was 20 years younger.

Hazel felt a fit of rage rising against her father. She wrote in her notebook again.

Dad probably being a dick about it. A simple 'no boy is good enough for my daughter' type deal.

She hardly heard the dismissal bell ring. She closed her notebook and collected her belongings that she had brought to history.

Sofia quickly caught up with her. "What are you writing about that's so fascinating?" She asks, referring to Hazel's notebook.

Hazel had told the red-head about Tate. But she hadn't told her about her fascination with writing things down.

"I'm keeping track of me and Tate's..." Hazel paused to find a word. "Relationship? I don't know. I keep track of everything"

Sofia nods. "Do you keep track of everyone?" She asks after a moment of walking.

As Hazel was about to answer she looked over and saw a group of girls beating on someone. She very quickly recognized the brown hair and the bitchy tone that was used only when she was angry. It was Violet.

Hazel didn't say a word to Sofia as she walked across the room.

She walked up the group of girls, and picked the one closest to her. Violet had yet to notice her.

Hazel grabbed the girl by her hair, and elbowed her nose harshly. The blonde keeled over and held onto her nose. This got the other twos attention.

"Who the fuck are you?" Another blonde girl asks. Hazel kicks the girls ankle, causing her to fall over. Hazel straddles her hips.

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