Lie Detector Test

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"I'm going to show you a set of photos." The man told Cassidy as he attached a small device behind her ear. Cassidy stiffened slightly, swallowed hard, and her gaze landed on the table in front of her. The man who had been explaining the process took out a file from beside him and opened it.

"Do you recognize this woman?" He asked as he slid a photo across the table.

"I don't think so..." She spoke softly as she tried to recollect her thoughts.

The photo was of a middle aged woman, with greying hair and green eyes. Her tired eyes and worn out smile were contagious, and something was oddly familiar about the woman.

"She's being honest." A man spoke from behind her.

"Alright," he prompted.

"what about this man?" He continued as his gaze bore into hers.


The man had shown her a picture of someone who looked to be slightly older than the woman, only his hair was black and his eyes were a vivid green colour that would forever be engrained in her brain. His eyes spoke more than his facial expression, and deep down Cassidy felt like he was trying to say something to her.

What she didn't know, is what it was.

She shook her head in response to these thoughts, which didn't go unnoticed by the profilers watching the interaction between the two behind glass. "What is wrong with her? She can't recognize her own parents?" Derek Morgan asked in awe.

"If she was experiencing anterograde amnesia, she would at least remember her mother and father." Reid spoke quietly as he observed the interaction with poise.

"It's possible that she is experiencing retrograde amnesia, or dissociative amnesia." He hypothesised with his hand brought to his chin. His stance changed as he observed the girl once more quietly.

"So, what you're saying is... she can't even remember her own family?" He summarised.

"Yes." Reid nodded. Spencer watched closely as she tapped her hands restlessly on the table and fiddled with the hem of her cardigan.

She was uncomfortable, that part was obvious.

"Hey." He spoke into the microphone attached to his ear.

"Hey!" He yelled louder, gaining the attention from the man in front of Cassidy.

He nodded his head in an indication for Reid to continue as he picked the two photos back up and placed them to his side.

"Tell her a little bit about herself." Reid suggested.

The man broke character and reached for his earpiece, "Are you sure that's a good idea?" He asked wearily as Cassidy watched him with narrowed eyes.

"Yes." Reid answered without hesitation.

The man sighed, "That photo I showed you earlier- that was your mother."

Cassidy's eyes widened as she tried to recall the last time she had even thought about her mother. All she remembered was pain linked to those memories, and every time she tried to dig deep within her mind to bring them to the surface, her head and heart throbbed. It was like her mind was purposely blocking off the memories.

"And that man," He pointed. "Is your father." Cassidy picked up the photo and examined it. The resemblance was rather clear to anyone else, but she couldn't remember her father at all. She pressed her fingers into her temple and sighed.

"I don't know what you want from me. Clearly I don't remember these people." She snapped.

"Your name is Cassidy Turner." He continued as he raised his voice an octave.

"You used to live on Willow Lane - you had a little fish on the mailbox. Your mother died when you were young and since then your father has been absent in your life-" He continued forcefully.

"I don't want to hear about any of this!" She exclaimed as she slammed her hands on the hard table. In a quick motion, she buried her head in her hands and tears threatened to pool from her eyes.

The man got up and left the room with a sigh, leaving Cassidy alone - with two agents watching her carefully from behind the glass. "I should say-" Reid started before Derek walked straight through the doors.

"Cassidy," He prompted as he seated himself where the man interrogating her had once sat. "We want to help you."

"You want to prove me guilty." She snapped as she removed her head from her hands. "Don't act like you're trying to do me a favour. You'd rather see me behind bars." She continued harshly. Derek Morgan narrowed his eyes and watched as she pulled at the sleeves of her cardigan.

"I'll admit I thought you were guilty at first - but if the evidence can prove you innocent then who am I to say otherwise?"

Cassidy lifted her head and met his eyes, "I don't know if I hurt those people - and that scares me." She admitted quietly as she lowered her head and broke eye contact with Derek. He grabbed hold of her hand and stroked it fondly.

"I promise I won't let you be put behind bars for a murder you didn't commit." Her eyes met his once again until they were drawn to a figure that walked through the door.

"I-I uh.. I won't let that happen either." Reid stammered as he lolled back and forth on his heels.

"Thank you... both of you." Cassidy spoke gratefully as the two agents left the interrogation room.


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