Sarcasm is my Specialty

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Aaron Hotchner and Derek Morgan walked through the hospital hallways with purpose. They were determined to prove Cassidy Turner guilty, and with the evidence stacking up from the case that had been allegedly closed, they had a good chance of succeeding. However, once they had found out her memories were temporarily fractured, dread filled their workaholic minds.

"Hotch," Derek prompted as he stopped his boss from entering the still in shock woman's hospital room. "What if we can't prove her guilty?" Aaron Hotchner, Derek Morgan's superior, looked at him coolly. He always seemed to have the upper hand in burdensome situations, something Derek could never seem to fathom.

"Well, if that happens, then we have to put our faith in the facts." He stated knowingly as he left Derek behind and walked into Cassidy's room.

Derek scoffed as a grin made its way onto his sculpted face, "Trust the facts…" He mumbled to himself as he followed Hotchner into the small and desolate room.

"Hi…" Cassidy spoke quietly as Hotch's stern presence filled the room.

"Our agents would like to do a lie detector test on you." He spoke with purpose, even though even he, himself, doubted what he was saying.

"We believe it may give us some… insight." He continued as he broke eye contact with her.

Cassidy sighed, "Do whatever you want - I'll comply. I'm not a murderer, but I can tell you don't believe this will work." She spoke and her voice didn't waver, something Hotch didn't fail to notice.

Hotch sighed, "You're right. I don't think this will work. Evidence is already stacked up against you, so for all I know you could be lying." He ran his fingers through his floppy black hair and she noticed the defeated look on his face.

Derek looked at him in confusion- Hotch was put together just moments ago, but upon meeting Cassidy, he seemed oddly different.

Derek pretended not to notice, and turned to Cassidy with a cold expression, "One of our BAU members will escort you into protective custody." Hotch glanced at Derek, "We need to make sure you don't go anywhere or kill any more people."

Derek looked at Hotch with widened eyes before intervening, "What he means to say is we need to make sure you aren't a threat to yourself or anyone else."

Cassidy glared at Hotch and turned to face Derek Morgan, "Okay." As Hotch and Morgan left the hospital room, Derek grabbed hold of Hotch's shoulder and stopped him abruptly.

"I don't mean to speak out of line, sir, but that was completely unprofessional."

Hotch narrowed his eyes, "Your job is to follow my orders. It is not to question them." Derek had a dumbfounded look on his face as Hotch strode away in deafening silence.

"What the hell is wrong with him..?" He asked himself as he rushed to catch up to his boss. Inside the hospital room, Cassidy breathed in and out slowly through her nose in attempts to calm herself.

"Okay, so… you might be a murderer- that strong looking guy has a vendetta against you, and everyone is either looking at you like you're crazy or... sympathetically." She summarized into her hands as she ran them against her face roughly.

A few hours later, another man arrived outside of Cassidy's hospital room. If Cassidy could even call him that. He was distraught, overly distracted, and he kept running his hand through his brown curly hair. His eyes shifted nervously around the hospital halls until they landed on Cassidy's and grew wide. Her face flushed when they made eye contact, as she became increasingly aware that she could, in fact, call him a man- with his chiselled face and endearing eyes.

It was not long before she realized that any romance would be out of the question for her, given the fact that she was on trial for murder, and in his mind, she was as good as a felon. This didn't stop her from becoming increasingly aware that she had no idea what she looked like. She had been told by that security guard that she wasn't bad looking, but he wasn't exactly someone she could place faith in.

Her mind obscured her ability to notice the dishevelled man step into her room, and look at her with eyes filled of worry.

"I'm not going to bite you." She chuckled inwardly to herself- until she realized that the joke she was making was rather insensitive.

"I'm trying to decipher what kind of dissociative amnesia you are experiencing." He spoke with a quaver as he narrowed his eyes ever so slightly.

From his mannerisms, and the way he spoke, she could tell he was intelligent, and for some reason this made her relax ever so slightly.

"I really don't remember a thing. If you could help me... I'd be rather grateful." She spoke honestly as he assessed her carefully.

"I would like to help you, too." He spoke quietly, but with assurance lacing his voice. Her heart warmed at his genuine kindness - he seemed like a good and proper man, and a pit slowly grew in her stomach as she tried to shove down the thoughts that crept into her mind.

This man was willing to help her, despite what everyone else was convinced she was capable of, but what if she actually did commit those murders? What if she was a bad person, and didn't deserve his kindness? She lowered her eyes to the floor and agent Reid didn't fail to notice the dread that loomed over the room suddenly. The corners of his mouth tipped upwards in a slight smile, and she tried to return it with a weary one.

Tears threatened to escape from her eyes, and she quickly straightened herself.

A question she wasn't expecting escaped her mouth suddenly, "Do I at least look okay?" She laughed ever so slightly as she realized something new about herself.

She made jokes when she was uncomfortable. Now that, was a characteristic she could get behind.

"Y-Yeah, y-you're uh.. beautiful." He stammered truthfully, and a saddened grin tugged at her lips.



Let me know if you have any criticisms or just wish to speak to me about this story in general!

Yours truly,


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