Hospital Gown?

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Cassidy Turner awoke with a jolt. She sat upright in what she had originally thought was her own bed - only to realize that she was in a dull and barren hospital room. The breeze from the vent beneath her drew her attention to the hospital gown she was wearing, and the monitor beside her begun to beep consistently. "Shut up!" She yelled as a team of nurse's arrived in her room.

"Ms. Turner?" A dumbfounded nurse asked with widened eyes.

"Yes?" She asked in annoyance as she glared at the monitor beside her.

"W-What are you doing awake?" Were the words that made Cassidy's brows furrow.

"Sorry?" She asked as confusion overrode her features.

"You've been in a coma for the last nine years." Cassidy's mouth fell agape as the only words that seemed to be able to come out of her mouth were, "What the fuck..?"

"I'm sorry she just sprang this news on you." The doctor said sincerely as he checked her vitals and glared at the nurse beside him.

"I-It's fine I suppose… I guess it was unavoidable."

The one question that had been on her mind since the doctor had come in spurted from her mouth before she could stop it, "Why is there a police officer outside my door?"

The doctor looked at her sympathetically, and once he was done checking her vitals, left the room silently.

"Hey!" She called. "HEY!" She screamed louder, drawing the attention of the guard located right outside her door.

He looked at her scornfully and she looked at him blankly. He sighed and walked into the room, making sure to keep a manageable distance between the two of them. "Why are you outside my door?" She demanded.

He scoffed and turned away, before she got up and rushed to stop him. "Please.. I really want to know what's going on." She begged as tears brimmed her eyes.

He sighed again, "Get back in bed. It can't be good for you to be walking around-"

"Tell me what is going on!" She demanded once again. The man before her was severely testing her patience.
Although, it was probably a poor idea to raise her voice at an officer of the law.

"I really didn't believe them when they told me… but I guess they were right." He stated ominously as he looked at the girl before him in amusement.

Anger bubbled in the woman's stomach, as she resisted the urge to punch a certain 'officer of the law' right in the jaw.

Once Cassidy realized she would probably end up in more trouble than she already was, she sighed, "Just tell me what's going on."

He gave a brief look of contemplation,
"Normally, I wouldn't say a damn thing.. but you're not too bad looking, and after all, I don't believe you're capable of what they say… you're just a woman."

Her face contorted in disgust, "You're a bastard."

The man scoffed, "Well, if I'm a bastard.. I guess you don't want to know what felonies you're convicted of."

He began to walk out of the room before she clasped his arm with her cold hand, "Please… tell me." She looked up at him with pleading eyes.

Without hesitation, the man continued to speak with boredom lacing his voice, "They think you killed three men. One was stabbed in the back twenty five times, while the other two were shot and murdered in their own home. Your DNA was matched at every scene, along with a signature. You're kind of a local legend."

He recited everything quickly, and was completely oblivious to the woman's face that had paled before him.

She looked at the man in shock, "H-How can they think I did this..?"

"Well, when they questioned you, the next day you tried to commit suicide, and instead you spent nine years here in a hospital bed. They sort of just took that as a confession and closed the case." Cassidy's mind started to spin and so did the scene around her. Before she knew it, she was on the floor and gripping the post of the hospital bed.

"Woah!" The guard yelled uselessly as he called in the nurses.

Before the nurse came into the room, he mumbled, "See.. no woman is capable of commiting those barbaric murders."

Cassidy ignored his comment and stayed put on the floor. When the nurses arrived, she brushed them off and closed her eyes tight, wishing for all of this to be a dream. She couldn't really be in this kind of predicament… could she?

It was true that she had no recollection of the incident, she didn't really remember anything about herself besides her name and a few childhood memories. She knew she was a pretty woman who had her life ahead of her, but what she couldn't fathom, is why she would try to kill herself?

Surely, she wasn't capable of committing the murders that man had described. Even thinking about it made her queasy. There had to have been another explanation. And she knew she had no other choice than to find it.


I know it's a cliche storyline, but I hope you choose to stick around!


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