"Thanks to a cat"

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~Ava's POV~
I didn't really listen to where it was so I just walk to the pink house from before, before I could knock on the door, KC flew the door open. She seemed surprised but excited "YOU ACTUALLY CAME! UR GONNA LOVE THIS!!" She said with a very energetic tone. I couldn't even get a word out before I got dragged into the pink house, i didn't like being dragged but, it felt nice to have a friend...or something like that. "Do you need pajamas? I got sent a pair from my parents and their to big for me." KC said with a very calm and warm smile. "Umm yea I do, thank you?" I think I sound confused but I was just nervous, it felt weird having someone to hangout with. I liked this feeling.

KC went to go get the PJs and I was left with the other girls there, there was about 5 of them. "Hey! Come on and sit with us! We don't get new people that often!" As I looked for who said that I saw a girl with black hair wearing a pair of purple pajamas. It was the girl from earlier! She seemed nice so I just sat next to her. It was awkward, "OH! I'm Aphmau! The girl with the glasses is Kim. The one with the very NASTY carrot is Mac. The girl with the blue hair is katelyn and, the girl with the orange hair is Lucinda but we call her luci for short!" Aphmau said with a smile. She was really good at making people feel included. "I'm Ava-" "Ok I'm back I found the Pajamas!" She handed me the pajamas and showed me where her bathroom was. She told me that when I got out we were gonna do fun things like doing each others hair and stuff like that, I haven't done that before with people so it's gonna be a fun night. I shut the door and started to change into my pajamas that just happened to be my perfect size.

I looked at my self in the mirror, I looked like I just woke up. Nobody said anything but it's fine. I put my hair up in a ponytail and walked out the bathroom. "Ooo! Those look so nice on you Ava!" KC said with a smile that could wake a dead person. I sat back in the spot I was in before a nice hot pink pillow was there. "Ava do you remember anything from before you can here?" Mac said full of curiosity, kinda weird cuz the more I thought about it I just could place stuff that happened in my apartment. Then it hit me, MY CAT! I hadn't seen my cat here at all and if he's still at the apartment then I'm screwed. But what was weird is a cant remember faces or names just body movements and phone numbers the only name the i remember was my cats name, Jonny. " you don't have to answer if you don't want to it fine!" "Huh? Sorry I was thinking. All I really remember are numbers and my cat Jonny" I said leaving Mac with a calm smile."how about we try some of the numbers? Maybe the people can help with ur memory" Aphmau said in a very helpful and hopeful tone, it was comforting. "KC what's in that room?" I looked at the door with a glasses paw print on it. "Oh, that has all my cats! Speaking of which I found a new cat in the woods, let me go get him!" She said standing up and walking to said room.

I keep making little peeks into the room, then she came back with the cat. I couldn't really see the cat until she sat down but when she did the cat leaped off her lap and leapt into mine. When I finally got to look at the cat, it was MY CAT. "Jonny?" He started purring and rubbing against my arms. "Aww Jonny look at you, ur still so tiny" I was really obsessing over my cat, I get why though I loved this cat a lot, but he still had the collar I put on him on his neck so I looked at the info on the back and it read "If lost please contact Ava at :xxx-xxx-xxxx. If I can not be reached please call the numbers below." Their were two more numbers, who did they belong to though? I took the collar off and hand Jonny to KC. " can I use someone's for a second, I just wanna check something. " you can use mine!" Luci said with a smile, i dont know why but these people were so nice. "Thank you"

I started to dial the number in the phone, it started ringing but this lady who sounded tired answered. «Hello, name and business with the president?»I froze but I still spoke up a d told my name and why I called »umm my name is Ava and this number is on the back of my cats collar?» «Oh! Ava hi sweetie, I'll get him for you! Are you ok we've been looking for you for a while?» „im fine?" I muted the call. They were asking why I had this number, and I couldn't find an answer. My train if thought was cut off my the voice in the phone. It sounded so familiar. »Pumpkin? Is that actually you? Where are you? Are you hurt?» «I'm sorry who is this, I'm struggling with my memory at the moment..» «Ava its ur father, are you sure ur ok? Would you like us to go see you in person?» I looked up and literally EVERYONE was nodding, they really wanted me to remember. «umm yes, please» «hm, you sound nervous, would you like to go somewhere like starlight instead? You can bring ur friends if you like, I'll cover the flights.» «isn't starlight a resort?» "Ava starlight wonderland is one of the funniest places ever!" Aphmau said with excitement. «Pumpkin you loved starlight if you want we can go soon maybe I can get the resort ready tonight and we can leave tomorrow, how about that. If you want me to do that left me know who many people are going,ok? I have work to do, call me around 9:30 ok? Love you Ava» he hung up before I could say it back, it felt like the right thing to do. " If starlight is as good as you say it is then start packing some bags and help me get other people." I gave KC the collar as she put it back on Jonny. "Do you want Jonny to stay here while you get situated? You can come see whenever." "Yea seems like a safe option"

~Third Person~

Aphmau stood up. "Come on let's go get everybody else, I can't wait to hang out with you Ava!" Aphmau ended her sentence with a huge smile. Ava smiled back. They put in their shoes and headed out the door as the other girl scattered to their house to get their stuff together. "Is starlight that fun?" Ava ask out of curiosity " It's AMAZING! Oo, ur gonna need a bathing suit and more clothes, wanna go to the store when we get to starlight or before ur dad gets here tomorrow?" Aphmau was really trying to find ways to hang out with Ava? Why? "How about before my dad gets here, then you can give me some tips!" Ava said with a smile. They continue walking to house and parted ways to get more people, Aphmau went to Ein, Aaron and, Noi. Ava went to Zane, garroth, and Gene. KC clearly stopped by Zane's already, ava could tell because when she went to go tell Zane he kept saying this was gonna be fun. Ava was enjoying this, she was making friends, or something like that. Ava went a started telling the other houses, the only reason she new some of the house is because Aphmau pointed them out and was Told pierces house had all the sheep. Why did the name pierce sound familiar, Ava gave up that thought and went to the cyan-sheep house.

~Ava's POV~

I knocked on the door, and waited a few seconds before knocking again. When he answered the door I was greeted by a Pierce in a tight-black-sleeveless Turtleneck. Looked comfy. He peaked his head outside the door, stopped and pulled me in the house "HEY-" "shh, Ein doesn't like when I talk to you." Pierce said a very calm tone,it sounded nice. "So what did you come here for, need something?" He said with a nice smile. "I-um..well-uh-" I couldn't get the words out it was like he did something. "Your gonna have to use your words Ava, I don't know what ur saying." He said falling back on the couch. "O-ok so..uh.. my dad is offering to bring us to s-starlight and I was wondering if you'd like to come with us?" I said trying super hard to hide the little bit of blush that escaped my face by looking down at the floor. "Oh sure I haven't been there before, sounds fun!" He said with a smile. I looked up with a smile that was happy but as I looked up a picture caught my eye. "Who's in the picture? I see...me,you and uh, Noi? Was his name?" I asked moving closer to picture that just happened to be on the wall behind the couch. "Oh, forgot about that. Come sit." He said taking the picture off the wall and patting the spot next to him. "So this is asch" pointing to the guy with black hair and white horns "this is leif he's a little crazy" pointing at the white hair boy with green horns. " and this is Rhys" pointing at the guy with dark brown hair and dark blue horns. "Obviously this is me and Noi" he said trying to sound somewhat sarcastic? Or something. "who's that?" I asked pointing at the girl with short brown hair hugging me like there was no tomorrow. "Oh that's ma-Lorelei! You guys were friends Since high school" he said moving his hand around like you were explaining something to a kid, it was fine others did that to me too. Maybe it was because I don't really remember some stuff but whatever. "She looks like Mac!" I pointed out. They look really similar, too similar. Identical maybe. "Hey should you go pack your bags for tomorrow? Or do you want to hang out with me behind your brothers back hm?" He said in one of the flirty yet joking tones, startled me a little bit. "R-right! Cya tomorrow pretty! I MEAN PIERCE, SORRY!" I finished my sentence running out the door but you have to climb a ladder to get to pierces door so guess what happened? I fell face first into the ground! clearly it made noise because Pierce came outside and helped me up. "Maybe you still are the same Ava from before" he said with a chuckle. He waved and went back into his house.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't blushing. Like OMG what is wrong with me?! Why do I think he's hot?! Someone needs to smack me. I started to wake back to KCs house, before I even walked in the house I could see KC in her window with a telescope pointed at pierces house. Not only did she see me fall she saw pierce help me up! I dont know if I should be worried or upset. I walked into the house and saw KCs big grin, loud a scary ngl. "Soo~ you and Pierce huh?" She started giggling. "What! no!" My face started heating up. "Anyways ignore she does this thing where she ships people. I found a suit case for you, I also took it upon me to clean the clothes you came here with. They had some holes so Kim stitched them up for you! I can't wait to go shopping with you!" Aphmau had this very warm smile, I liked her smile. "I also told your dad who was coming and turns out he knows Aaron's parents." Lucinda stated. I don't know what happened to me being full of energy but now I was tired and as I looked around everyone else was too. I was so tired as soon as a laid down on the stuff KC put out for me I fell asleep.

{I should have spit this up into 2 chapters:( life would have been easier, sorry for the taking so long to post, I'll try and post the chapters more often!}

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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