" A quick game?.."

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Gene was looking EVERYWHERE. Outside, in closets, under Ein's bed. Nothing. He tore ein's house apart looking For Ava, still couldn't find her anywhere. He even went in ein's basement- she still was no where to be found. Gene thought he was wasting his time until he looked out the window he saw Ava sitting on the bench in front of ein's house. Gene opened the window to get a better look and make sure that was really her. It was. " AVA! I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU FOR LIKE 10 MINUTES! HAVE YOU BEEN OUT HERE THE WHOLE TIME?" Gene shouted making Ava turn her head around and freeze. "Ava don't you dar-" before he could finish Ava was running the other way, you could here her small giggles. Gene ran out the door and started to chase the dark haired girl.
"AVA STOP RUNNING! YOUR GONNA DO SOMETHING STUPID!" Gene shouted very loud but Ava still didn't listen. ^Where did she go?..^ Gene thought as he slowed down his running pace.

~Ava's POV~

I Started knocking on the first house I saw, this Cute pink house with hints of white. I kept looking back seeing if Gene was near by or something. "Hello?" I heard from in front of me. "Oh! Your the new girl! I'm Kawaii-Chan but you can call me KC! It's so nice to meet you!" She seemed happy and excited, I don't see that a lot. "Cute name! I'm Ava, I'm uhh going around meeting everyone!" I said, I was kind of a lie but I did want to meet everyone so it cancels out. "Ooo~ that sounds fun! You should come over later tonight! Me and the girls are gonna have a sleepover" She said with this Glistening glow in her eyes. "I'll think about but I'll probably be here." "Ok! Come on in help me see which cake is better!" She said dragging me in by my arm.
"So your a baker? That's cool!" I said trying to break the silence. "Yea I started In high school! It always seemed to keep me calm!" She end ending with a chuckle."Food keeps me calm I LOVE eating" " well, I guess that runs in the family. Ein and Gene are ALWAYS hungry! I can't think of I time their not hungry" "Those are my brothers for ya" I said with a small giggle. It was kinda weird meeting someone as nice as this pink-cat-girl, she's been super calm the whole time I've been in here house. "So do you have any talents? Or ears, something like that?" "Hm? What do you mean?" I was super confused but I tried not to show it. " ok so ima meif'wa! Aaron ,Ein, Aphmau and garroth have werwolf ears. And the rest off them are humans!" "Rest of them? Theres more people?" I answered with tons of curiosity. "Yep! There's a ton of people you'll meet when you go to school with us!" "School? What are you talking about?" KC looked at me with a confused expression on her face, before answering me. "Gene didn't tell you? Your gonna go to school with him and Ein and we'll everyone you saw today with a few other people. Don't worry you'll probably have at least on class with each of us!" She said with a smile that could kill a man. I didn't understand why I had to go to school but I didn't want to ask to many questions so I just asked a few." The two boys the really tall one and the one with pink-ish orange hair, do they go there?" I regretted my first question when she pulled out the HUGE grin, it started to scare me."why? Do you like them?~ you wanna date one of the-" "AVA!" She was cut off by Ein, what was he doing here? "Dude Gene is going crazy! Go tell him ur ok or some shit!" He sounded mad and it was like he unlocked a memory in the back of my mind. I completely zoned out and focused on the memory.

~Ava's somewhat old memory~

It was snowing like everywhere, it was freezing. ^this cabin was such a bad idea...^ "AVA! COME HERE LOOK WHAT I TOOK FROM #%^*+€¥!!" I was thinking before my thoughts were cut of by Ein yelling my name. I rushed down the stairs, Ein was holding a bottle? Maybe a potion? I couldn't tell. "Ein, What is that?-" "this is a forever potion. I'm gonna use it to get Aphmau to love me!" He said with a creepy chuckle. "That's cool I guess, do you have anything to you know..warm up the cabin? It's freezing in here!" I ended with a small shout. "Oh yea, there this giant heater in the 2nd guest bedroom, thats where me and Gene go at night or when we get to cold." He said with a small smile. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME IVE BEEN FREEZING SINCE WE GOT HERE!" I said running up the stairs into the room right next to mine. There was a giant heater but there was also tons of pictures of a girl on the wall. ^is that Aphmau ? Wasn't she the one who dated ##%*•^

~End of memory~

I snapped out of thought when I was getting shaken by both Ein and Gene. I didn't even hear Gene come in the house, But we weren't in a house anymore. We were in front of a building. A school? Everything was somewhat blurry. "Ava! What size are you? We need to get ur uniform!" "Omg just say she's the same size of Aph! It shouldn't take this long! We shouldn't even being doing this right now, school doesn't start for another like 2 months!" There was yelling back and fourth. I didn't realize where we were until my mind fully focused on reality. Everything was loud, bright, blurry and, I wanted to go home. I didn't want to be there at all but might as well suck it up. There was no point of trying to get out of this because for all I knew if I left I was just gonna have to do it again. "God I wish time moved faster.." I said in a mumble.
By the time we got home I realized if I didn't leave now I was gonna be late for The sleepover KC invited me to. I already said I was going so before Ein and Gene said anything I just walked out the door and left. ^what were they gonna do? Stop me?^ they would have to catch me. For some reason I started running, I didn't know why.

💕A life fit for a princess💕Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang