Well, this is awkward.

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Before y'all get your crossbows/guns out and start trying to kill me like I'm a Walker, LISTEN PLEASE. So I've decided to discontinue this story. To be frank, it stinks. Horribly. I hate it. I HATE it. It's nothing without Clove (let's be honest here), and it just doesn't work with adding new characters. Thank you for all of your support, and if you want to read my new story coming out (it's based on a bad boy...don't worry, it isn't too cliche) then please do. Also, to the alternative ending, I might add that, I might not. Heck, maybe I'll start a whole new Clato book. Maybe. Anyway, thanks for sticking with me, it means a whole lot because I've actually put a TON of effort into this story, and I just can't anymore. I'm out of ideas, I despise the way I've molded the characters, and the plot is as thin as paper. Again, thanks for reading. To be honest, I'm a bit sad writing this, but it has to be done. Feel free to hate on me afterwards and tell me that I've ruined Bloody and Broken forever, that's fine.



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