Chapter 9

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After slipping out of my wet clothes and into the new, dry ones I remembered that these clothes weren't there before; I recalled what Peter Pan told me, about the clothes appearing through magic. I looked down to see my clothes starting to fade. My sudden disbelief I supposed. Quickly, I thought back to how I appeared on this island, brought by what I assumed was a shadow, a magical shadow. I also recalled Peter handing me clothes from an empty drawer. I remembered the mermaids, and wondered how Peter knew to come save me. My chest felt warmer, and looking down I noticed my clothes reappearing. All I needed was a little belief.

I suddenly felt a presence in the room that wasn't there before, and upon turning around I saw Peter Pan leaning against the wall behind me. He smirked at me while laughing, "Well, we have ourselves a new believer. Welcome to the dark side," he spit out menacingly.

"Dark side?" I questioned, slightly afraid.

"It's just an expression," he paused slightly, "Love. Well come on darling, you have a lot to learn," Peter spoke again, reaching for my hand. The moment he touched me we were gone; we were outside, at the arena.

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